Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

Your avi is of a sleepy curiosity and I wish I knew who this character was because it is your affinity with it that is more meaningful to you than the expression on its face.

Do you mean the avi expresses sleepy curiosity, or makes you sleepily curious?
Your avi is of a sleepy curiosity and I wish I knew who this character was because it is your affinity with it that is more meaningful to you than the expression on its face.

The fact that your avatar is unfinished suggests you view yourself as a work in progress--you have a goal in terms of who you want to be or what you want to do that isn't yet achieved.

You also admire or valorize ordinary, hard-working people, and want to be able to find happiness in a regular life.

Do you mean the avi expresses sleepy curiosity, or makes you sleepily curious?

As someone who somewhat knows who that character is, you really want to figure yourself out. The fact that she blinks means you also want to connect with people here, almost like you're trying to remind them that you're a person.
The fact that your avatar is unfinished suggests you view yourself as a work in progress--you have a goal in terms of who you want to be or what you want to do that isn't yet achieved.

You also admire or valorize ordinary, hard-working people, and want to be able to find happiness in a regular life.
Hi Krypton, I was wondering. Was this for me or for @Ren?

The fact that your avatar is unfinished suggests you view yourself as a work in progress--you have a goal in terms of who you want to be or what you want to do that isn't yet achieved.

You also admire or valorize ordinary, hard-working people, and want to be able to find happiness in a regular life.
How did you... are you psychic? That was amazing.

@mintoots — The avi projects gladness and warmth, but also a certain coyness about showing those states of feeling. Hence the fact that only part of your face is seen, and your eyes are closed. There is a concern not to appear ostentatious in expressing those emotions. Also, purely in terms of hues, an interesting contrast between light and dark. The artistic rendition signals an intention to universalise the feelings represented.

Neither of these posts were of how I actually determined my avatar but surprisingly, both analyses fit my psyche.

BTW, can we defend our own avatars?
Neither of these posts were of how I actually determined my avatar but surprisingly, both analyses fit my psyche.

Psychoanalysis is all about the unconscious, so the posts shouldn't be expected to describe your conscious choice in picking that avatar. ;)
Yes! Go for it!

The avatar was derived from a state of my self that I, at one point, feared would be permanent. In that state, I was weak but determined to embrace my fragility regardless. This liberated me and paradoxically transformed me into someone powerful. She propels and I wanted to immortalize that. She is partial because she is only half of me but she's immortal because it is she who drives me forward.

The whole picture had been from this:

These are my two selves, but ultimately the weaker one of them is the one I find to be strongest.
ohhhh this is neat
but how much of our analysis are coloured by pre-existing knowledge?

Probably a fair bit. We could anonymize it by having a single user post images sent to them by everyone and having people psychoanalyze the images.

Also, I'm gonna guess from your avatar that you fantasize about historical eras a fair bit (from the filter) and also from the fact that it's probably a picture of you that like a bit of realism in your fantasy. Oftentimes the real photo means someone's trying to be authentic but I don't get that vibe here. Not that you're fake or anything, but like...that's not the image you were shooting for.

Maybe you also view yourself as being a little bit apart from everyone else? "On the outside looking in", as the song goes. The filter is a little ghostly.