Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

An average case of immaturity. More reassurance when taking into account his age and location too.
^Waiting out the storm because in time, the reward will be worth all the hard work and effort in due time.
I haven't played this game in years! haha, kudos to whoever bumped it.

@Gist, looking straight into the gaze of the enemy and daring it to look back, without turning to stone
Watching life. Observing, perhaps, taking enjoyment in the little beauties of life - like rain - finding a sense of serenity in things that might go unseen to the average person.
Watching life. Observing, perhaps, taking enjoyment in the little beauties of life - like rain - finding a sense of serenity in things that might go unseen to the average person.

Looks at us all through the eyes of a pretty kitty. Looking outwards for advice, comfort (couch) and guidance. Perhaps a wish to seem cute or easily approachable, too?

Whenever I see your avatar I think strength, a warrior. The way it's cropped gives a sense of distance, of preferring to remain anonymous in some aspects.

A distant warrior, a quiet, strong sentinel of sorts. There is depth, a well of passion that seems bridled but very present in your gaze.
I sense a little sadness in the eye of the warrior, but get the feeling this is the only place that emotion might be visible. Hidden in the eyes.
It's a character named Kratos. A vengeful pseudo God bent on conquering the Greek gods and also fucks women and rips apart his enemies with his bare hands.
It's a character named Kratos. A vengeful pseudo God bent on conquering the Greek gods and also fucks women and rips apart his enemies with his bare hands.

Thought so, I recognized the face from God of War.

Likes order and clarity. (The smain focus is in the center and middle, other items are not competing for visual attention, the view ofmain subject is not muddled by adjacent trees or foilage. Likes nature in some controlled settings? Feeling stressed and nature and the color green are a source of comfort for you? You want to seem like an environmentalist or someone who values nature? Having issues with your current environment and wishing you were in somewhere more calm and pleasant?
[MENTION=13496]RRiveter[/MENTION] the purple flowers in addition to them looking like 2 people holding hands seem to indicate you're very much into love and romance. You also seem to find a sense of order in chaos.
Orchids themselves have a meaning too. They are delicate, graceful and exotic and symbolize beauty, strenght, love, luxury.
Purple itself is a color that stands for royalty, luxury, wealth and sophistication. It is also rather rare in nature.

You chose this DP because on a base level you felt yourself reflected by all of this in this picture.
It would appear to be that you are hot and you know it.
For RRiveter

I am getting a little bit of fun, silliness, whimsical and open-minded; however, there is also the ability to put your game face on and be serious when the situation calls for it.


I love how it looks like there are little people in the flowers.
Lol did no one else notice those little flower people have little flower slongs? xD
Ew, gross... I totally scrolled up to look. XD
[MENTION=10166]DonTaushMe[/MENTION]: You seem to be humorous and warmhearted. You've probably been through some rough patches in your life, but you try to make the best of it.
[MENTION=10166]DonTaushMe[/MENTION]: You seem to be humorous and warmhearted. You've probably been through some rough patches in your life, but you try to make the best of it.

Thank you [MENTION=13700]Nabbit[/MENTION] I love you already. Finally somebody that understands me :m204:
Marks a strong appreciation for the fantastic and human imagination, with the image of the dragon symbolizing the desire for freedom and whimsicality.

#BSgenerator ;)

Deep. Artsy. Probably NF.

Would it change your mind if I told you this was my previous avatar? :D


Which is from this photoset:


