Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

have at it.

I get the impression that you have a thing for Polish folk art. :D

Also, that you appreciate a work of art when you see one, whether it's a design, clothing, inanimate object, or person.
Ahhh... have at me!
ooh try mine :)
Give it a shot. :)

A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit, and owner of the world's only airship?

you are sardonically wishing for a lot more....

Please me next!
This should be fun. Try me, plox.
you are sardonically wishing for a lot more....

Please me next!

You want to be perceived as intuitive, wise and sage-like; an Obi Wan of sorts. Mystical, even.

Either that or you like to give yourself dutch ovens.

It kinda looks like a picture that has been heated and bubbled to me. I get the idea of "others having a distorted image of you" from that.
analyse mine, I make them myself....

Looks a bit noir; a very high contrast of light; a feeling of being blinded by light, and strangely we're supposed to be with the side of the man -- the one who's blinded himself. I don't know what that means but........looks peculiar.

Try me? I want to make you hung-- I mean, I just put a new avatar. :D