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  • So it looks really silly on you?

    Rather like the Godfather in a woolly jumper or a bunny in stilettos.
    Check out the 'Txt/interwebs speak thread' in The Lounge. I started a thread about words like 'totes' :)
    My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer this week and I'm feeling pretty helpless and powerless. Lots of frustration with not being able to do anything.

    I don't really want to punch anyone.. it's more of an expression that I need to get some aggression out in some way. A healthy way would be best tho, right? :)
    Well you're one of the least intense individuals on the forum, it's one of your qualities... So...
    Nah, it's really not you sir.

    I suggest you change it back to something small and furry.

    Your new avatar of a homicidal, artifical NT does not suit you sir.
    I'm not sure. I don't think so, but it might be if the post is super old if you are using a autosearch. I would ask a tech admin (DJ or NAI), they would likely know.
    A bit of both, IMO. I would say something to engage him, and he'd just blink at me (with no expression on his face) then return to his food. Tried drawing him out, nothing happened. A few times he just sighed when I started talking. So...I dunno. Unless he had incredibly horrible social skills, he didn't care for me and let me know it. *Shrug*
    Lol! He wasn't interested in any "fun" nerd stuff - or if he was, he didn't talk about it. I got the impression that he felt I was beneath him. :(
    :) Yesterday and today were a bit rough, but I just had a bit of better news (finally got to speak to the doctor today). It looks like the tumor was possibly created due to the original surgery. It's possible the surgeon hit the liver, or there was enough of a space to allow for cells to go into the liver, and a tumor developed. It's the same tumor...it just decided to migrate. But that's good, because nothing metastasized and nothing broke away.

    We're still waiting on a new hospital room though at UT Southwestern. The waiting game is horrible.
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