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  • Sedate just seems like it conveys... sedation? haha, I don't know. It implies calmness, whereas "somber" is just kind of a sad word. Very Robert Frost.

    I mean, I wouldn't prefer that you be sad over calm. I'm just saying, it's more poetic if you're somber.
    Somber > sedate, despite the melancholy-ish connotation.
    I'm pretty sure I'll still be around, haha. So, yeah, definitely.
    Exhausted... why? Another one of your six-night-a-week workouts?
    I am still pretty great, albeit bored, as well. And now I'm just hanging around, I suppose.
    I hate my phone mostly because of work - but especially when the people I work with presume I'm interested in knowing about workplace gossip, or when people just text you asking you a favour, instead of having the patience to ask you in person.

    Sorry - it sounds exagerrated, but the texts/calls I get really go beyond the line of reasonable very often.

    I was on vacation.
    I was trying to enjoy myself.
    My controlling exboyfriend wouldn't leave me alone.
    Constantly cally and texting and leaving me voicemails
    if I didn't answer or reply so I was just really realistic, I
    weighed the pros and cons and I let my phone go into
    the blissful sea.

    And then I ended things with him when I got back
    from my vacation.
    Why did you delete it?
    It was funny :(
    Oh, sweet. Well, I really hate driving, so it would've been my preference, anyway.

    I guess you did write more than usual. It balances out, though, since I'm usually pretty verbose.
    lol I see..Well hopefully you are able to fix that 1st question xD...I can imagine how frustrated you might be with it..
    Hi! :),I saw ISFJ in your profile and it filled me with wonder how you came across that decision. Of course its your choice, but I never really got an ISFJ from you..
    Yes, I'm not really frequently hyper, it just so happens I have a very sweet tooth, and can be a bit of a drinker.
    Awww, thankies ^^. I'm flying, and technically the whole comp isn't even truly owned by me. It compiled of parts which are partly mine (bought and payed for) and bits that aren't. Most of it is the latter. So I can't even take it with me I don't think. I haven't dared to ask cause if its no, my Dad would be REALLY offended that I even asked, honestly. He's touchy about comps and money things.
    Still, stressing... I figure I'll just use some of my savings and update the old spare comp Chaz has, taking what few parts are mine with me, if that.
    //stresses. Can't help it, comps are my LIFE!
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