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  • ow that is a tough one! It is not something I can describe in one or two sentences. And I don't have a whole theory in my head about them, it is more that I have a feeling of both types and try to figure out the difference based on that feeling. I don't think I'm an ideal person to answer that question because I don't really know what the difference is. But if you read this tread, it more or less describes my view on it and how I fit into it


    if it doesn't help, ask me again :-)
    I'm feeling better. :) I was sick a bit, but it's passed for the most part. Things as far as life are concerned are in a hurry up and wait kind of state, but I'm like governor of that state, so it's whatever. :D How are things with you?

    I really like your screenname by the way. It reminds me of a few of my favorite times I got caught in the rain. :)
    Intuition can confuse many,the whole description seems desirable which is why I think there's a huge N bias n this sort of self-assessments, but in fact both N and S have their Pros and Cons, the fact that you are questioning your N instead of trying to answer certain questions to be an N tells a lot, the INFP is more likely to try change itself to another type according to what he/she feels sounds better, the INFJ on the other hand is more likely to question why is he or she getting such type results which is what your doing, such inquisitiveness to reach one answer is what symbolizes an INFJ, sure we tend to think in over futuristic terms, but in the end Ni is just a process which focuses on the future, it does not necessarily predicted but it seeks to understand it.
    INFJ. I just initially got such vibe by observing your posts, you seem to be a rather careful thinker, you plan what to formulate to make sure it fits correctly and perfectly and you think of how it affects others, this is clearly shows a INFJ preference rather than a INFP one, a INFJ seeks 1 particular type, it wants answer due to Ni, you do not want multiple solution,you want the clear answer which is very Ni rather than Ne. I have noticed you have high Fe which is demonstrated by your constant care for others as well as high Ti which is dmeonstrated by you carefulness and analytical skills. Certainly an INFJ to me.
    You have the longest bongest, biggest, hugest, most lengthly, wordy, most amount of letters, drawly, space consuming, time stopping, mind boggling, car confusing, hairball coughing, coffee making, allergy prone, username in the entire, complete, whole, big, round, once though to have been flat though that theory was proven wrong, planet that is usually called earth, but probably could have been named something more flattering.
    I was writing about leaving home in my blog... I'll definitely be staying around on the forum :smile:
    Oh, I guess so. I've never sent a friend request to anyone or anything. Or whatever it would be called here. I guess I should start adding people to my friends list. I probably look like a creeper at the moment.

    I'm alright. I just finished blog!ranting, so, although I probably won't post what I wrote, I feel neutral, at least.

    How are you?
    Actually INFJ's usually know what they are talking about, they seem to just know it but many fail to explain what they might be trying to express or say making the INFJ very frustrated, indeed Ni has a hard time verbalizing or explaining how it got the answers but INFJ's are very good at it in writing where they can calmly let their thought of process flow.
    lol its a bit wild but I can't really explain at the moment, I can do so once all the drama is gone though :)...just to be sure since everyone is a bit unease on discussing this at the moment.
    lol, I been sensing the drama too, my mind did indeed imagined the scenario. Scool is going well still pretty shy and alone, getting good grades all A's and one C(Damm Math lol). I been trying to do community service..I am missing a lot of required hours.
    I'm doing ok lol, I am happy about certain events, but morose about others, for example I feel as if this drama is bringing some of us closer but some of us apart. Also my bus did not come to pick me up, so I decided to walk lol big mistake to do so in Miami I walked in the street for about 3 hours!! I was tired and exhausted..and well lost, I really did not what to do, to make things worst I reached a ghetto part of the city and everyone started looking at me awkwardly and screaming at me..indeed quite an experience but I made it :).
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