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  • I would, but I like to play video games and if you play video games then you're Windows' bitch.

    It was good up to that point. I'll prepare an animal sacrifice tomorrow to appease Windows and hopefully it'll let me watch it.
    Was an hour into John Wick when Windows decides that now's a perfect time to restart.

    I think the universe is afraid if I see it, I'll just become too much of a badass.
    What are the specs (if it's not too personal a question. I know the relationship between a man and his machine is a sacred one).
    I did not. Meant to, but when it never came to the cinema I live near, I forgot about it.

    You ever get round to building that pc you talked about?
    such a beautiful song, like a lullaby :m093: :m124:

    i think kittens are very good in the art of sleeping, they look so peaceful and serene ^__^
    But think about it.........
    shouldnt it be a given that adult men shouldn't find a 15 yos ass hotter anyway... so creepy omg
    Nice! Not a bad deal for what you got. Not at all. Currently trying to figure out what to do about a TV for the new apartment. Thinking about 40" will be good for us but beyond that, no clue haha. Definitely want 120hz though
    That must have been a bit of a change…though I imagine they are similar in many ways too.
    I will get through it…insurance is forcing me onto another pain med that doesn’t work as well for me…but whatever…I’m sure there will be some benefit to detoxing for two weeks off that shit.
    Glad you seem to be doing well…don’t be a stranger!
    Rough patch going on right now…but I have never been more optimistic which is a new development…so I guess I’m okay!
    Where are you living now? You left Texas right?
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