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  • It's weird though, the WH didn't even formally endorse. They endorsed Sanders. I don't the Obama administration likes the Clintons at all. They have been doing a delicate dance for a while now. I think that whether or not she gets indicted will come do whether or not the current administration sees at is in their interest, which it may or may not be. They probably both have dirt on each other.
    I kind of think it was hacked and that was the impetus for releasing the e-mails to the public. I think someone without much to lose got into the server and said release or else. Just my silly opinion though based on zero evidence.
    I suspect a lot of corruption. Also the level of group-think and follow the leader seems to be reaching scary levels lately.
    Yeah, all true. But even if it wasn't labelled as officially classified, arguably someone in her position is supposed to exercise a certain amount of discretion. And she did have permission to use the insecure server, just not for classified information. So that reverts to the original issue of whether it was classified formally and if not, whether the burden was on her to discern what should be treated as classified regardless of its lack of a stamp.
    Yeah, I see your point. But even if the State Department was aware, does that make her potentially an less culpable?
    Hey rawr, thats like the best fox gif image ever, thanks for posting it to my profile :D

    I have just learned of the greatest sin of mankind. There is no alternate version of Fatboy Slims' "Right Here Right Now" with the words "Right Here Right Meow" substituted in. This is what Youtube was created for and yet...nothing.
    I think it did on a whole reinforce the whole socially awkward tech guy stereotype a bit, but also, I noticed characters on the periphery maybe being less stereotypical, just not getting enough air time to know for sure how they are. Like Darlene and her ex boyfriend (dark army guy). I also agree with your second point, but yea again, that's why I say the show has potential. It may go in a crap direction, but I don't think that will be the case. The way all of the pieces fell together in season 1 and the fact that Ismail has had a greater idea in mind from the start makes me think it'll be headed down an interesting path.

    I'm not exactly in tech at the moment, taking some time to do some writing. I was building websites and making mobile versions and all that mess so I am/was a front end developer with a bit of back end knowledge.
    Way better than most of the garbage out there. Mostly I just enjoy the unique way it's filmed. They put a lot of thought into their framing and symbolism which I really enjoy. Whether it's really great or not remains to be seen, but it has potential.
    Google + my brother-in-law actually solved it (all my word docs randomly became strictly symbols)! Thanks nonetheless (:
    Okay, we used to be kind of friends. I have a tech question to ask you and I'm assuming you know more than google :)
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