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  • I just remembered I said I would fix your user title (so I just did it), and I never did cause life got insanely busy. I had to turn it off cause you are under 1000 posts, but you aren't too far off that and when you get to there you can have it to whatever you want.
    I'm just really photogenic is all. And this is not me trying to be humble.

    It's not really that intimidating. It's only weird when I walk around campus and get stuck in elevators with boys who have studied my naked body, even if it was for art. It's quite uncomfortable. I now exclusively take the stairs, even if I have to trek up nine flights. The worst possible conversations happen in elevators for me.
    Thank you, I think.

    That was taken about two days ago.
    I was sitting on my front porch, my friend Jacob snapped that gem, I wasn't quite ready, I had just looked up from reading.

    I can assure you though, I am no where near attractive enough to be a model.
    The closest I come to this is allowing people to draw/paint/sculpt my nude body at ridiculously early times of the day. But this is just because it pays very well and I have bills that need paid.
    Decode this:

    Same here, i am also somewhat busy with family. I am fine and healthy. :smile: What is this? Uoyevoli. (: I find it joyful when i try to spell it. It is unknown to me. :(
    HI RD, how are you? Long time happened. What's special with you? Looking to hear from you my friend. :hug:
    Thanks for the message. I'm also glad to be back and talk with all of you again ^.^
    I know, I don't want to, but I'm limited with my computer access. /:
    Do me a favor?
    Post a thread making sure people don't think I'm a spammer or something.
    I just haven't been able to get on.
    I miss you, bestfriend. (:
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