Recent content by rogarn

  1. rogarn

    Tis the downfall of INFX's.

    Tis the downfall of INFX's.
  2. rogarn

    You cannot deny the truth of my words.

    You cannot deny the truth of my words.
  3. rogarn

    It is the one thing I have NEVER had even with all of my girlfriends and sexual partners.

    It is the one thing I have NEVER had even with all of my girlfriends and sexual partners.
  4. rogarn

    I only like being touched by the one I really care about... everyone else... BACK OFF...

    I only like being touched by the one I really care about... everyone else... BACK OFF!! especially those darned ENFP's.... It is a mix of my personal beliefs and reality. I believe that all have sinned. Also, it is estimated that the average american lies at least 4 times a day. What more do...
  5. rogarn

    I was discouraged from posting on this site for a while. :/ that's all

    I was discouraged from posting on this site for a while. :/ that's all
  6. rogarn

    Everyone lies, especially when it is most important.

    Everyone lies, especially when it is most important.
  7. rogarn

    Everyone lies. Words have no meaning for me.

    Everyone lies. Words have no meaning for me.
  8. rogarn

    speaking is an action, and in of itself, says something. The result of speaking, is words or...

    speaking is an action, and in of itself, says something. The result of speaking, is words or thoughts being transfered in vocal form. These are meaningless.
  9. rogarn

    Words are empty and meaningless. Only actions speak to me.

    Words are empty and meaningless. Only actions speak to me.
  10. rogarn

    I don't hug people, and I hate the phrase, "I love you". Furthermore, I don't drink. :P sorry deary

    I don't hug people, and I hate the phrase, "I love you". Furthermore, I don't drink. :P sorry deary
  11. rogarn

    Yes I am. You guys have Christmas up there in the top hat of America?

    Yes I am. You guys have Christmas up there in the top hat of America?
  12. rogarn

    That is so wrong, on so many levels... I have been doing well. How have you been doing my exotic...

    That is so wrong, on so many levels... I have been doing well. How have you been doing my exotic speaker?
  13. rogarn

    I understand what you mean, however, there is only one thing I want. This is the only way I know...

    I understand what you mean, however, there is only one thing I want. This is the only way I know to achieve that.
  14. rogarn

    someone with touch as their top love language.... oddly unspecific, I thought..

    someone with touch as their top love language.... oddly unspecific, I thought..