What is the one thing INFJs are better at than any other personality types?

1.Having an epic forum
2.Giving Christmas Presents

I am good at singing, knowing what people need/want without them telling me, listening,and languages
1. understanding other people, and their emotional issues
2. feeling isolated

I'm extraordinarily good at debate/political science/social studies.
enduring enormous amounts of pain apparently. esp the emotional kind ;)
The term "better" is relative.
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Having a superiority complex RE: INFJ v. other types.
What are they legimately good at? I'd have to say .... Ok I'm not very good at articulating my thoughts... And they are. Does that make sense?

merry xmas
Understanding people, their motivations and behaviors, and articulating those; and thus having a superiority complex and being pretentious about it, then feeling isolated and ended up enduring emotional pains, then making a great forum and sharing Christmas presents.

Understanding people, their motivations and behaviors, and articulating those; and thus having a superiority complex and being pretentious about it, then feeling isolated and ended up enduring emotional pains, then making a great forum and sharing Christmas presents.


He said it best! ALL of it...

we are best at beating ourselves up, holding our selves and others to impossible standards, and then wondering why we are always let down.
everything, of course.

Seriously, we're probably the best at starting major religions. We're the best at understanding human motivations, and that is probably because we typically genuinely desire to be good people (hence being upset when others aren't good).

We're the best at not getting along with ESTJs. I'm not sure what else.