What is the one thing INFJs are better at than any other personality types?

It's not evasive, I just see no reason to justify myself because of iSensor's sensitivities.

You could've said that several posts ago, but you chose to lead a rhetorical runaround instead.
More to the point, claiming that a certain MBTI type is prone to exhibit the qualities of insufferable a-holes involves much more than Indigo's sensitivities. For starters, he's not an ESTJ.
You could've said that several posts ago, but you chose to lead a rhetorical runaround instead.
More to the point, claiming that a certain MBTI type is prone to exhibit the qualities of insufferable a-holes involves much more than Indigo's sensitivities. For starters, he's not an ESTJ.

I hate simplistic precision and stating the obvious, I don't see in what right you'd reproach me that preference.
Understanding emotional dynamics at an institutional(or national) level.

Spacing out and coming up with really uncanny insights into people's behavior.
everything about Ni+Ti introverting, truth/meaning seeking, big picture viewing singular answer finding seeking the answer to its E counter parts Fe + Se = a hard wired preference for proving itself via analyzing the situation and applying those concepts in a way that requires another individual and their needs in a very physical and tangible way. All that together makes someone who is basically devoted to their partners ability to orgasm and orgasm hard. I have always seen INFJs as sort of a reverse vampire. We are service oriented to other people around us, and especially so to those we cherish, like a wife, or a husband or a girlfriend etc.

I know that sex to me is very interesting. Not just because it feels good but because its like a really long term dance, it actually has a rhythm. I like to learn how that rhythm changes and refines itself to fit another persons needs... at least thats what I always believed was supposed to happen. I know that many people don't do that, they just maintain what always was their idea of the best sex, which usually dissatisfies the opposite party because everyone has their own preferences.

And I have heard that story a lot of times from men and women alike talking about the subject... so it leads me to believe that not everyone applies the same standard, ergo it might be something more aligned to specific personality types.

INFJs for example, and ENFJs I would think specifically. but only because I spent more time analyzing those function groupings.

But back on point and to my vampire analogy, we seem to give 1st, then take what we need in return. You know like a vampire who will feed you its blood before it bites your neck. We seem to operate this way sexually as well. I know for my part I cannot stop or go to sleep if I feel like I didn't share a mutual satisfaction. Of course I realize not every INFJ might operate this way, I cant be sure, my experience as an INFJ and with 2 other INFJ's I "knew" and my brother who is INFJ and what I know of him is what I am basing this off of. And my theoretical understanding of how these processes work.
INFPs and ESTJs can be friends with reservations in the same way that INFJs and ESTPs can. They'll arrive at the same conclusions generally through different methods, and they'll lead their lives very differently. You don't want to end up living with someone with inverse ordering on the first four functions as you if either of you are immature, but I am certain that INFPs are much more compatible with ESTJs than are INFJs. INFPs are able to get along with ESTJs with reservation (the thought in the back of their head that "well, this person is an idiot"), but INFJs basically don't get along with ESTJs even with reservations. ESTJs do everything that pisses us off, and unlike in ENTJs, talking to them about it to mitigate it does not help (although, I'm not saying that ENTJs necessarily do things that piss of INFJs- at least nowhere near to the degree that ESTJs do).

Basically, and INFP and ESTJ can be made compatible on various levels of superficiality, but for an INFJ and ESTJ to get along requires one or the other to go against their core values. ESTJs are the only type that I cannot tolerate.

On the other hand, INFP and ESTP can be a particularly bad combination.
All Ps are easy to get along on with a superficial level.

Only if you assume that the burden lies on the J types, which it doesn't necessarily, and that also does not take into account instances where P types don't get along with each other.

And no, getting along with anyone on a superficial level is not necessarily easy. It is possible, but not easy. In the cases I discussed, it is far from easy.
How about, putting aside their own emotions even when they shouldn't just to keep harmony between groups of people. Until inevitably one day they explode, because, well, you can't just expect to keep ignoring how you feel to have a good outcome, really. And it takes everyone by surprise because normally you are so nice and agreeable!
Anyone who can't tolerate a type just sucks at everything and I'm embarrassed for you.

It's commonly the most ignorant statement made on this board.
All Ps are easy to get along on with a superficial level.

Only if you're a P yourself. Even then they are still infuriating at times.

Seriously, this statement is BS.

INFPs and ESTPs don't mix well sometimes because basically ESTPs live in the moment and INFPs... well, they don't. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, and you can look at their function orders and do the function math, but really they'll end up disagreeing on something, ESTP will do something that INFP will take very poorly, and the conflict ensues from there.
INFPs and ESTPs don't mix well sometimes because basically ESTPs live in the moment and INFPs... well, they don't. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, and you can look at their function orders and do the function math, but really they'll end up disagreeing on something, ESTP will do something that INFP will take very poorly, and the conflict ensues from there.
No. You're wrong.

ESTPs may live in the moment and INFPs may not.. but it doesn't necessitate conflict or even arguments. Disagreement occurs but who cares? It doesn't always lead to conflict and so there's no validity in saying INFP and ESTP folks don't mix well.

I feel it's quite obvious, but that it just needs to be reiterated again and again and again for whatever reason here--not every individual within a given type will respond the same way..

Speaking from personal experience, I do not have conflicts with my ESTP friend, probably because I accept that we are very different people and I don't have idealistic expectations for him to conform to-- he does not offend my 'delicate infp sensibilities' rather, he amuses me greatly.
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Understanding human motivations.

Yep. Seeing through other people, cutting through all the BS (albeit diplomatically if possible).
Exposing the lies, telling the truth. Being some kind of damned insightful prophet and messiah, who inevitably ends up getting murdered by crazy people they pissed off.