Recent content by saint fushimi

  1. saint fushimi

    What's the worst insult to you?

    I think i’ll drop an addition to my own comment on here too, since the replies have been a little different than my first idea. I also realized that i insult myself most by calling myself weak and a coward, and lazy, but those aren’t really the deepest insults someone else could call me. That...
  2. saint fushimi

    What's the worst insult to you?

    It's my hunch that one's own worst insult to recieve can a say a lot about what resides in their shadow. For example, the harshest insult for me is probably to be called a coward. I rarely call anyone this because it's a grave thing for me to say. Complancy and sloth are disgusting to me, and...
  3. saint fushimi

    Avatar caption game

    Every move you make, every step you take, owl be watching you...
  4. saint fushimi

    "Drink the wine of immortality for youself!"

    "Drink the wine of immortality for youself!"
  5. saint fushimi

    What Is Your Idol?

    Double post because I meant to change my answer after realizing I misunderstood the question. I didn't realize that it was about dysfunctional goals. As far as money, pleasure, fame, or power-- none of these are really on my radar as vices. If anything, I don't value pleasure enough. I have a...
  6. saint fushimi

    What Is Your Idol?

    You obviously do not understand his philosophy whatsoever if you have that opinion. He was sick and suffered immensely, but his philosophy is very joyful at its core. He found a deeper, more authentic joy in spite of his miserable conditions. Nietzsche hated nihilism and was a “yes-sayer” in all...
  7. saint fushimi

    st fushi’s art

    the watcher
  8. saint fushimi

    st fushi’s art

    spooks around these parts…
  9. saint fushimi

    INFJ use of spatial thinking in the abstract?

    You would probably like Taoism and its idea of wu wei. There are almost no good descriptions of it online though. It can only really be understood through poetry or art, indirectly. Chinese philosophy be like that a lot. It’s about the energy, chi. fortunately sumi-e painting is basically taoism...
  10. saint fushimi

    st fushi’s art

    june 2nd some tree studies done in the past couple months, from oldest to most recent. i decided to really learn trees proper this year, so i’ve been studying them. i don’t like looking online though, and prefer real life observation. i want “The Artistic Anatomy of Trees” book though. I...
  11. saint fushimi

    INFJ use of spatial thinking in the abstract?

    Oh, I can do this with emotion as well! My art is extremely flowing with very strong movement and shape, because it’s what i focus on most. I can convey emotions with flowing shapes too, like it’s made of moving evergy. the way it moves describes the essence of how the emotion is. i like to use...
  12. saint fushimi


    Great chart, lots of compelling ideas here. I particularly like the leftmost part, which describes how the maturation of a person is a microcosm of the whole of humanity. That's an idea i've been chewing on for a long time, and this is a more detailed version of my own thoughts. I think so much...
  13. saint fushimi

    What Books Are You Currently Reading? (Part 2)

    Recently returned to Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which is already one of my favorite books, but today I started Wilhelm Baynes' translation of the I Ching, which my boyfriend got me as a surprise. I've been wanting to delve into this for a while, but only now do I think I am ready. I've known that...
  14. saint fushimi

    "Thou hast made danger thy calling. Therein, there is nothing contemptible."

    "Thou hast made danger thy calling. Therein, there is nothing contemptible."
  15. saint fushimi

    What Is Your Idol?

    This question resonates with you all? None of these are important to me whatsoever. -- Unless you replace pleasure with passion, money with opportunity, fame with influence, and power with security. Someday I hope my philosophical ideas will reach the minds of other visionaries and I can...