Siamese cat
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  • Hei, well my boss is an arsehole, he doesn't pay me when he says he's going to and has tried to blame me for the current market-wide slump in real estate. He's a liar and a theif and I despise him :) Therefore I'm leaving a few weeks. Haha yeah it was infact sunshine cleaning that made me look into that line of work, since it doesn't require too much brain effort but gives good money! (I take the easy route if possible) However I would have to do it in the US or England. But I looked into it further it really can be quite horrific and dangerous.. it's a great film though!
    I saw you were in 'science, engineering and IT', what do you do job wise?
    Thanks for asking. I just came to the understanding that it's not for me to say whether or not I'm helpful. Intentions and reality are different things, it seems. Hope all is well with you.
    Oh I procrastinate a lot too, except I usually consume tea when i do, not coffee :P Well I am gonna pack in my job in a few weeks so I will need to find a new one, and whilst I sort of like change I was fairly comfortable in my routine, so I will have to stop procrastinating on the job front and get my arse in gear.

    haha I think it's slightly retarded (the pic), but thanks all the same :p
    Big Sol is it? :D Cool! So are you wondering what book to study, or what novel to read? I know which I'd prefer!
    I'm doing just fine thanks. Listneing to KISS, relaxing and perfectly happy in this moment. How about you?
    your advice drove me very crazy. You don't know it touched my heart. I have also one younger sister, now i am more determined to help her as an adult brother. I missed this thing, but you helped me at some level. I accept one thing, sometimes i get confused how to help my young sister in her work, now hopefully i will help her. :)
    I'm glad to know that you're feeling so good. I hope that feeling long continues for you :) I love this forum too. I have really found myself since joining here last year, and I'm very well, thanks for asking. Despite some aches and pains, life is wonderful, and I have a lot to feel thankful for.
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