Recent content by Skarekrow

  1. Skarekrow


    Super duper
  2. Skarekrow


    For sure! I wish that we had a way to record our dreams already. There are some Japanese scientists working on far they've gotten some rather blurry images...but hey, it's something. Too bad they also have to have the subject fall asleep in a giant fMRI machine :tearsofjoy: But who...
  3. Skarekrow


    Wow...good one...I mean...terrible, but awesome too! I say that because I occasionally have apocalyptic dreams ever since I can remember...maybe like, once a year I'll have a really vivid and intense one...never the same way twice....and later wasn't able to connect it to something I had been...
  4. Skarekrow


    Thanks! I agree...I certainly wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't enjoy it. I hope you have a peaceful evening!
  5. Skarekrow


    Ah yes...that's right The new'll be curious to see where they take it! And yeah, it's almost a sure thing that John Wick will be good. Let's hope that SFX is good enough now to bring Dune to life and the vision of the Art Director is worthy.
  6. Skarekrow


    Same here...I'll come across an image or song or hear about John Wick 4 and think, "How's Wyote?" lol Good to hear things are alright. Speaking of John Wick...I can't wait...and I can't wait for the new Dune movie either...I hope it's doesn't disappoint!
  7. Skarekrow


    Thanks...very nice to see you too!! No need to worry about me...I'm gonna survive...until I'm dead. :tonguewink: Hope all is well with you? Anything new and exciting? Talk to you soon! Much love! :<3white:
  8. Skarekrow


    I'll get in touch sometime soon then! Glad to hear you are hanging in there...sending you my love :<3white: Crazy!! That's so incredibly frightening and vivid! They must have really great dream recall...or embellished it a bit?? I still feel like we actually go to another type of collective...
  9. Skarekrow


    Happy to see you fine people! :<3white:
  10. Skarekrow


    Thanks very much! I hope all is well with you and yours? Anything new and exciting? :<3white:
  11. Skarekrow


    Hey there!! Great to see you too!! Sorry I don't think I got your texts...I ended up getting a new phone so I'll have to give you my new number. I sincerely hope all is well with you? Much love! :<3white:
  12. Skarekrow


    Rad picture man!! How are you doing?! I've missed exchanging songs and pictures with you! Hope to talk more soon...glad to see you are still hanging around here :blush: Much love to you my friend! :<3white::<3white::<3white: Thanks! Same to you too!! Things are moving along for the most part...
  13. Skarekrow


    Hey man!! Those are all awesome posts!! Thanks!! That Google drive file is magnificent...I can't wait to dive in! I am actually familiar with that artist...and I feel like I've been to one of the lower realms myself on one or two occasions. When I went cold turkey from the huge amount of pain...
  14. Skarekrow


    Thank you John! You are always filled with kind words. :<3white: Yes, it's a new path for me to's been frustrating at times but also very fulfilling. That gal I wrote about a while back here who was in a terrible state has now started to emerge from her misanthropic shell...she...
  15. Skarekrow


    Nice to see you too! I hope you're still around since this message was from a little while ago. Sorry!!!!! That's a very difficult situation...I'm really happy though that the neurofeedback seems to be working for's also great that you advocated against the antidepressants...of course...