Working life each day before it can work me.I sincerely hope all is well with you?

Okay, mine's the same.I'll have to give you my new number
Working life each day before it can work me.I sincerely hope all is well with you?
Okay, mine's the same.I'll have to give you my new number
Happy to see you fine people!
We are doing ok-ish. Both of us have been fully vaccinated since April so that’s good, but my wife has some worrying medical problems that need attention. Somehow life goes in though doesn’t it? I only hope they don’t mess with her meds again.Thank you John!
You are always filled with kind words.
Yes, it's a new path for me to's been frustrating at times but also very fulfilling.
That gal I wrote about a while back here who was in a terrible state has now started to emerge from her misanthropic shell...she didn't even realize how far she came until I referred here to some earlier conversations we had with one another.
It's good to be able to help folks without killing myself physically like I once did.
How is everything with you and the family?
All vaccinated now I hope?
Hope to talk to you more very soon!
Much love!!
This is truly awesome! What an extraordinary dream. Was it telling you something about your sister in real life or only using her as a symbol within?This dream felt more real than anything I've ever dreamt. I woke up in tears..
This is truly awesome! What an extraordinary dream. Was it telling you something about your sister in real life or only using her as a symbol within?
Sorry - I got so engrosed in the account that I didn't check where it had come from. It's like a surrealist film. Thanks for posting it, it's fascinating.It wasn't mine but I've had similar dreams in places like that but thankfully nothing as drawn out as this one. Once in a blue moon someone posts a dream like this in that reddit.
Working life each day before it can work me.
Okay, mine's the same.
I am doing ok for the most part though as usual another day on the roller coaster.
Found this dream on reddit yesterday that might interest you.
I had a very vivid dream many years ago. It was so impactful that I think it's the scariest dream I've ever had.
I dreamt I went to hell with my sister and her then boyfriend, we will call him joe. In the dream I woke up on the side of a river midday. When I woke up I looked around and everything was this smokey gray color. The trees had no leaves and the ground had no grass. It was similar to dry dirt. The river was too dark to see anything in it. I got up and saw my sister and her boyfriend wake up also. We talked about what was going on and what we all remembered before waking up here. It was exactly what I did before going to bed. So we decided to wait on the side of the river to see if we would see anyone. Hours go by and no one shows up so we decided to walk in river. Alot of towns are built near rivers so we were bound to find something. After walking for hours we see a giant build. It was a hotel. We walked in and the front desk and foyer was decked out in high in red curtains, carpet and gold fixings. There was a Chandelier that didn't shine or sparkle when hit with light though. I remember thinking how odd that was. We walk up to the front desk and asked the woman if we could use her phone to call our parents. The lady didn't look at us and instead asked up what our processing numbers were. We told her we had no idea what she meant. That's when she looked up for the first time from her computer and with a shocked look she asked us who we were and why were here. We proceeded to tell her that we woke up on the side of the river and walk up the river. She told us that's impossible. Nothing can live outside. She told us that the hotel was the gates of hell and you only come there if you died. She pointed to the doors on both her sides and said to the left is where you would be judged and the right is the door to hell. She looked alittle stressed and Told us to wait in the lobby so she can figure it all out. We sat on the couches and processed everything we heard. Hours passed and nothing was happening. Joe got up frustrated and walked out of the hotel. My sister and I ran after him telling him we need to stay in the lobby. He didn't listen so we went after him. He decided to walk down river to see was there. That's when we saw it. A small man hunched over was digging in the ground. It stopped when it felt us coming near. It hopped and it was now facing us. The only was I can describe this thing was it had a humanoid body with a very small black tail. The body was so white that the tail stood out. But the most terrifing thing about it was the fact that it had an upside down witch doctor mask on. Similar to that scooby doo episode but the paint and mask shape was different. It stared at us before saying why have you come. It was whisper but we all hear it. We said we were looking for a way out. It made an odd noise before telling us there is no way out. Everyone is dead. Joe got angry and told the thing that we weren't dead and we don't belong here. The creature just stared at us after and if you werent watching it as intently as we were you wouldn't had noticed that small movements indicating it was going to pounce. We bolted the other direction. Running back to the hotel. The creature was in the trees jumping from tree branch to tree branch. We eventually make it back to the hotel when the front desk lady was waiting outside with guards for us. She was mad that we left but when she saw that we were out of breathe she asked what's wrong. My sister pointed at the creature sitting on a branch on the tree nearest to us. It was my sister pointing at it, and jumpee at us. The front desk lady held her hand out and caught it mid air. She walked up to it and said you are not suppose to be out here. Go back to where you came from and blasted it away. Freaked out and confused, the front desk lady turned to us and said great now im gonna have to write something up about this. For the meantime you guys are under arrest and I will be taken to the under ground cells until we fully know what happened. The guards grabbed us and separated us into two cells. I was thrown into a cell with my sister. As we looked around we noticed right away we weren't alone. There was a butt naked guy with meat hooks and chains hanging off him looking out the only window in the cell. He didn't notice us being thrown in or the fact we held each other in the opposite corner to stay away. Hours past and we didn't move a muscle. My sister accidentally makes a noise and the guy turns out to show us his face. He had no Mandible, no tongue, no skin and no ears. He walked up to us and grabs my sister and what seems to try to talk to her. She's screaming and I jump on its back hitting it saying let go of my sister. All of the sudden guards walk in and grab my sister and I and we walk out. As we walk out more guards come in and grab the chains and pull. The limbs and head are pulled apart before coming back together. I will never forget those screams. It was a dream but those screams are something I would never dream about. I've never heard something like that. We are taken back to the front desk and reunite with Joe. The lady says good news and bad. Good news is we found that I was able to leave, bad news was my sister and Joe couldnt. I cried and cried saying I didn't want to leave my sister. She told me to go and find our mom and tell her what has happened. I walked through the a door and I land in the Hudson River. I swim to shore and find a payphone. I called my mom and she was so scared because we disappeared. I cried and told her everything and then I woke up.
This dream felt more real than anything I've ever dreamt. I woke up in tears..
Beautiful song. Glad to see you pop in Skare <3
We are doing ok-ish. Both of us have been fully vaccinated since April so that’s good, but my wife has some worrying medical problems that need attention. Somehow life goes in though doesn’t it? I only hope they don’t mess with her meds again.
I’m really glad you have managed to turn your pain experiences into something positive that leads other sufferers to some kind of shore. That’s quite special.
So good to see your voice, @Skarekrow. There is so much I want to comment on in your post. Thank you for sharing... inspiring and interesting as always. Most of all, it is good to hear you are well. I do worry about you sometimes. <3
Thought you might like that one...the rest of the album comes out in December...dammit.
Hope things are well with you and your own?
How's the 3D printing going?
Can't wait to hear the rest of the album!
Haven't done any printing lately, had to put most of my stuff in storage temporarily while I spend time at my parent's place.
All is well on my end, no complaints as usual, you know how I do
Loving your avi there. I'm always thinking about you when you are gone my friend.
Same here...I'll come across an image or song or hear about John Wick 4 and think, "How's Wyote?"
Good to hear things are alright.
Speaking of John Wick...I can't wait...and I can't wait for the new Dune movie either...I hope it's doesn't disappoint!
Then I have to tell myself that I'm first of all - not getting paid haha...and I know that I would never give someone any kind of advice that would lead them down a pathway that would be detrimental to their health.
All is well on my end, no complaints as usual, you know how I do
I know right! I just watched the trailer yesterday and got pretty excited, looks like they've done a decent job, let's just hope the narrative delivers.
Pretty sure I'm gonna at least enjoy John Wick 4 and I have faith Matrix 4 will be good but who knows!
Thanks!I come from a belief that when we do something because we want it to improve the way someone feels (and take some time to think it through and take care with it) it is rather unlikely to come out as detrimental. Anyway doing something you are not getting paid for just means you love doing that thing- if anything we could do with more of this as a reason for people to do things
Wow...good one...I mean...terrible, but awesome too!@Skarekrow
I honestly think and feel that some dreams really are looking into other versions ourselves in other timelines living different lives ect while others can be so very different. As for the fear factor that isn't the worst I've come across and my personal worst I had it back in 2011 or 2012 and it was pretty intense where basically got to watch a city get nuked only for it to end seeing people get burned alive. To see bodies in almost an instant become as charcoal after being blown twenty or thirty feet off the ground then rain down onto the pavement to burst. That scene repeated except it was close up, everything on them burnt off even the shoes were gone.
Wow...good one...I mean...terrible, but awesome too!
I say that because I occasionally have apocalyptic dreams ever since I can remember...maybe like, once a year I'll have a really vivid and intense one...never the same way twice....and later wasn't able to connect it to something I had been reading or watching in a movie that it could have been extrapolated from.
I wake up from those with my heart racing and often drenched in sweat, but the emotions in those for me are usually something like awe/fear from the sheer awesomeness and power of certain ways I've dreamed of it happening.
Often though, I don't feel fear from them because I take on the role of an observer and am not part of the action, or it's very soon post-apocalyptic and whatever happened is no longer a worry to me.
The dreams that I was a part of...are usually a bit more emotional, not always in ways that I expect it to be necessarily.
There was one where the general population of the planet was so addicted to a certain pharmaceutical that it eventually wiped out the was some kind of drug that extended peoples' life (at first) but also allowed you to connect with the collective consciousness of everyone else who was on the drug.
It took decades and then people started to die after they chose to live in the this point too, there were groups that were giving the drug forcibly to others, as they justified the contentment or their victims after the fact.
Eventually there were ripples through the collective consciousness that were causing large masses of people to die off...and there were bodies everywhere.
I remember that I was trying to get away as there were people trying to plug me in...until they caught me and a few people I was escaping with...I remember that I couldn't believe I had been caught and this was my fate, I was very frightened as well.
As they gave me the drug, it was like an entire reversal of what I was switched from one set of powerful emotions to the opposing emotions in a disorienting flash and then wow...was I happy...and felt at peace, harmony...even the terrible landscape of things being destroyed by it being neglected or from the mass die offs - looked so beautiful!
It was like a black and white movie becoming colorized all of the sudden...but even the death and chaos was a beautiful was really intensely peaceful.
Then everyone died and that was that for the human race.
I think I was 17 or 18 when I had that one, but it stood out because of the really powerful emotions.
Yeah, that's one of the theories out there...that they are other timelines out in the multiverse...maybe we just happen to connect to one that is dying once and a while.
The times where I was an objective observer almost had the feeling that it was my job to view the destruction and understand what happened.
I can't say for sure why I felt that was just the mindset at the time, even if I was lucid in the dream.
I've tried giving people I know IRL, who I've come across in a dream, certain key words, or a number, a luck yet with anyone remembering either they were only dream characters, or I couldn't get they lucid enough for them to remember.
I don't know anyone else who has frequent enough lucid dreams where something like that might have a better chance of succeeding.
I'll keep trying.
Nice to talk to you my friend!