Not at all. It's because you're nice and I think instead of accusing your partner/friends of things,
you would take a more tactful and careful approach.
I think muir is highly intelligent and interesting. We talked a bit back when we were both active
on INTPf. Nothing scandalous. I'm really not all that bad, lol. But about more intellectual pursuits.
I don't think everything he posts is conspiracy, I see how it all could be real. But perhaps I'm
just a suspicious person and see connections that don't actually exist like people think of muir.
It's overly optimistic to trust much in any large group/organization. Humans are animals. We
will never evolve away from that and as all animals exist, selfishness is innate. People do things
that will benefit themselves. Especially when there are more people around to mask your
truth behind. One on one it's hard to get away with things. Which is why spouses generally
always know when their partner has been cheating or something of that sort even if they
don't want to admit it or bring it up to their partner.
Thank you for your kind remarks towards my character. I will keep looking for more for
you as well that I feel better reflect you as a whole rather than bits and pieces of who
you are.