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  • That works. I'll mark it in my calendar.

    Did you? I don't see you on my friends list. Would you mind sending me another request? I don't why you aren't showing up.
    Yes, it does suck, and yes, whales have a special place in my heart (it must be a really big heart I guess). They are amazing creatures.
    I'm not judging you but I hope you can find something outside of drugs to enjoy. Life is meant to be enjoyed
    I will be around tonight if you would like to talk. We can talk about anything, everything, or nothing in particular - whatever you want, really. It needn't be structured, an ebb and flow is quite alright with me if it's alright with you.
    Unfortunately there seems to be a limited supply of intuitives in my life. I'm only aware of two, an ENFP and an INTJ (neither of them do any type of drugs, except alcohol).

    no i don't pity u. but i'll admit a lot of the time i just thumbs up posts because "sure why not".

    also LOL @ your new user title
    So true. We are such punks like that. Lol We are confident our data set and translation is of the utmost impeccable quality. Me? You don't want to know how much of a geek I am.
    p.s. 3 days of work a week isn't too bad on the "too restricted by schedules" scale, I'd think. Yeah... holidays and weekends get worked, but it's not a very big deal--and you get paid extra, for both weekends and holidays.(:
    That's cool! Yea, maybe... my skillz are pretty OB (pregnant-lady) related.... so... idk how interesting it'd be for you.. heehee.
    You should look into the healthcare field! Lots of different careers, fitting all types of people.((:
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