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  • gonna explain that odd request?

    what if i get the sudden urge to delete all of the visitor messages i've ever received except for ones made on october 3rd of any given year?
    Yeah, absolutely. No hard feelings here.

    Also, sorry about not contacting you back. I have a short internet attention span and if you want to get ahold of me, the best way is by off-site instant messengers.

    My AIM: skeggsismad
    My Windows Live ID:

    So if you want to discuss anything or poke me that's probably the best place to attempt.
    I'm sorry if I may have overreacted to this, but this issue is very personal for me. I realize I shouldn't have posted an issue that is personal to me on the internet and thus put myself in an emotionally vulnerable place, but I genuinely thought that because of past experiences the INFJ forum would be able to develop an intelligent and worthy conversation that would help give me some perspective and alternative point of views. I may have overreacted to you and others on this thread but I think it was necessary to get my point across because often times people don't take me seriously and thus I felt I needed to drive my point home. I didn't mean to offend you and hurt you in any way and I REALLY do appreciate, this is not sarcastic, I REALLY do appreciate that you've apologized and given your reasoning. It put things into perspective for me and enabled to be able to apologize for my own extreme actions, too.
    It gives me a lot to think about when dealing with people like you who mock, mock, mock and never consider stepping outside of themselves and think, "Hmm, maybe my comment along with everyone elses' was inappropriate and I'm sorry". That's all I want. You're not the only one who posted on that thread, I understand that and I don't hold you fully responsible for everything that occurred, but can you see how that smile felt like a slap in the face to me when I saw everything that was going on in that thread and I attempt to express my distress- albeit a bit emotionally charged- and you return to me with a "hah" type of smile? No thought at all put into that.
    What is this, some sort of sarcastic trolling pun to show how satisfied you are at getting me riled up? Yeah, you pissed me off. Be happy about it. I'm really glad that you and everyone else on that thread have completely slaughtered the idea that a woman has a right to PRIVACY with her body. And I can see that you all hang out in groups, all friends with each other. Do you plan these things? Do you all sit and decide which thread that's covering an important issue that you want to completely slaughter and sit and laugh about when hundred and thousands of people are suffering from the backlash of the reality of it? Don't do that smug smile at me. That was a smartass thing to do, you know it. And if you don't like my negative rep? Don't post smartass shit on my threads. Don't go around deliberately trying to provoke people by ignoring things that are very real and emotionally charged for people. Yeah, thanks a lot for that smile.
    So I had this image of a girl struggling not to drown underwater, with her hair swirling all around her, and looked through tons of "floating girl' images before finding one that was almost exactly what I had imagined. I just think it's really cool when you can find an image that says exactly what you want to say. I really want to know what yours says to you.
    Ummm... I hadn't planned on making another public one, but if you inspire me with another idea, I might. :)
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