Recent content by sumone

  1. sumone

    Say Something No One Has Ever Said Before

    When the rose meets the peacock precisely at midnight at the tavern on the cliffs, the end of the world will be nigh.
  2. sumone

    When does one become strong?

    Strangely enough I become strong during times of crisis or upheaval. It's nothing I plan on, it just happens. It's never been a permanent thing though lol
  3. sumone

    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. Hugs. You are going to get through all of...

    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. Hugs. You are going to get through all of this, I know you will. But it's up to you how to get through it. It's your life, nobody elses. Don't forget that. You have a very special spirit and it comes through even over the Internet. I am...
  4. sumone

    Do you like to pick at people?

    Yes, it's about picking up people :)
  5. sumone

    INFJ loneliness

    The biggest hurdle is accepting yourself for who you are. Knowing yourself and coming to terms with it all is a lifelong journey but as time goes on it gets easier. I spent so much time in my teens and early twenties wishing I could be different, someone else or more like the other boys and...
  6. sumone

    One major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

    I get called all of the above as well. Not so much anymore now that I'm old lol and I'm allowed to be quiet and don't join in on the gossip! "You're sooooo nice!" can be a very big misconception. But if you argue it they just call you more names. But 9 times out of 10 when I'm doing...
  7. sumone

    The secrecy of 'crushes'

    Keep us posted on how that works for you :)
  8. sumone

    The secrecy of 'crushes'

    These days I don't get crushes (YAY!) on real in my life people. I have a massive crush on Leonardo DiCaprio though and I don't care who knows about it! Revealing crushes is very tricky though. I think you have to use intuition on matters like these. It will help you with your timing and let...
  9. sumone

    Whoo hooo, you're back!

    Whoo hooo, you're back!
  10. sumone

    Can't make up my mind!

  11. sumone

    INFJs and money

    I'm bad with money and I hate money. I hate that we're ruled by it.
  12. sumone

    Discrimination against introverts?

    The solution is easy really - just explain it to people and hope they understand and believe you. It should be easy but it's damn hard to get people to actually listen to you when their lips are always flapping and they continue to label incorrectly. It took a year and a half of working...
  13. sumone

    Discrimination against introverts?

    I found discrimination within churches. I would have liked to go to church on Sunday, hear the sermon, thank the pastor, smile at people and leave. But noooooooo ............ even after explaining to people in different churches, pastors included, that I did not intend to join in on activities...