Archon Sep 26, 2010 Dude. This is such bs. I did not deserve a third warning. I'm reporting arbygil for baiting me. She deserves a warning.
Dude. This is such bs. I did not deserve a third warning. I'm reporting arbygil for baiting me. She deserves a warning.
T The Jester Sep 21, 2010 A. asked me to delete my post because he didn't want to partake in the discussion anymore, so I did.
Odyne Sep 20, 2010 I liked his X-men movies. But Valkyrie has got to be my favorite. It was surely very well done.
TheLastMohican Sep 13, 2010 Yes, I saw it a few minutes ago. There's no problem with contacting multiple staff; whoever's online at the time will be happy to respond.
Yes, I saw it a few minutes ago. There's no problem with contacting multiple staff; whoever's online at the time will be happy to respond.
yumiii Sep 13, 2010 Thank you Sorry, I just went ahead and asked another admin. I did email you though, beforehand. Did you get it? :l
Thank you Sorry, I just went ahead and asked another admin. I did email you though, beforehand. Did you get it? :l
Barnabas Sep 4, 2010 in regards to your rep(which I thank you for), isn't that what Ts are supposed to do.
T The Jester Sep 2, 2010 I'm lucky enough to have no active vendettas Oh no? ;D I like the picture you're using as an avatar.
Feelings Sep 2, 2010 Seriously it's not even an inside joke. It hardly even makes any sense. It's just funny for some odd reason. And Sandra likes it a lot so that makes it all worth it I like when she's pleased and I don't like when she's upset.
Seriously it's not even an inside joke. It hardly even makes any sense. It's just funny for some odd reason. And Sandra likes it a lot so that makes it all worth it I like when she's pleased and I don't like when she's upset.