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    I came back for one single reason - to tell BenW to keep my name to himself.

    The only one making this bigger than it has to be is your control freak admin attitude. If his original post had been deleted (and I mean actually deleted, not moved), this would be done and done the moment it started.

    If you think I'm going to humour your police-state ruleset, you're kidding yourself.
    Funny, I thought that was *your* job.

    Of course, the whole "mediation" concept is a fucking joke. Dump people you don't like in a public thread and let them bitch about what they don't agree with while you tell them they're wrong?

    If you don't like what I have to say in a public place, either ban me or restore proper access. I'm already well aware of what you think of me from ____ anyway, and she thinks you're as full of shit as I do.
    Also getting tired of waiting for that supposed mediation access. Or was that bullshit too?
    (Since you locked it and clearly don't want to give me access to post, you control freak, I'll add it back in here)

    What a load of double standards bullshit.

    "I don't know what could be so bad about BenW mentioning your username. It seems like a nonsensical complaint to me. That said, you can always take it up via PM. I only asked that you not derail this thread with a fight.

    Until I have reason to believe that BenW was trolling, I'm not deleting his post."

    Butthurt admin is butthurt. I'm well aware of exactly what you think of the way I act, and I have about this much <-> respect respect of you because of it. I really don't care for your diplomatic bullshit just because you don't like being told that you're hypocritical control freak, just like Shai.

    "We've been over this before: if you have complaints about the administration, take them to the Mediation Area. I'm sending you there right now, in fact, because I'm tired of you making these flaming the staff like this while refusing to explain what exactly you're upset about."

    And I've been over this before... if you don't like what I'm saying, ban me.I have better things to do with my time than suck the psychological cock of some stranger on the internet who thinks that access to admin panel = power and control.

    It's only offensive to someone if you deem it so? What a joke, considering this is supposed to be an INFJ forum.
    :P Hehehe, perhaps I'll PM it to you. Don't want to tip off the wrong people....O_o
    Well you just keep catching me by surprise. I had no idea you were such a great writer... :) Are you sure you're only 19? :wink:
    Wow.. you fixed it.. and I really appreciate it..
    Thank you so very much... *hugs, love, and kisses*
    Oh so about Avatar.. a really good friend of mine went to go see it.. and I specifically told him to watch it in 3D.... well needless to say, he didn't and he went on story alone!!! I am still quite frustrated with him.. He didn't get anything I said about the way the story was told and the sheer cinematography.. I can't even imagine not seeing it the way it was intended... I have a more keen understanding for artists I feel, and am I wrong or are exceptional filmmakers quite the artists?
    don't feel guilty, i mean come on... there were a lot of acts that led to that particular situation.. :D

    .. or did you mean you're typsy and feel less guilty about it... aren't you underage?... sorry I'm slightly out of sorts.. hope you don't mind... :hug:
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