Recent content by ThinkingHippie

  1. ThinkingHippie

    Are there any body language/visual/speech patterns that are very INFJ? What do you think they are?

    So my question is whether you people noticed some pattern in the presentation of INFJs in their speech, tone, facial expressions, even the way they dress and their eyes and so on.
  2. ThinkingHippie

    My take on Ni (experience, and its archetypes)

    I consider myself challenged to write everything that is hard to explain. Ni is not exception to this. I think i have it, but even if i don't have it as dom, i'm temped to share what (i think) are my observations so far. Note that most things i say are based on myself. To me saying that Ni is...
  3. ThinkingHippie

    Does anyone also go Crazy Thinking to much?

    I tend to think a lot and when i get to explain my thoughts in words , language doesn't do me a favor. It's frustrating, because i tend to organize my thoughts externally rather than internally. Overthinking is such a default thing for me to do that i don't even see it as a bad thing anymore. I...
  4. ThinkingHippie

    Does anyone feel "odd"?

    People tend to think i'm completely normal but notice my introversion. Otherwise, i tend to (kinda) strategically, aggressively fit in, in order to avoid unneeded stress and i always want my interactions to run smoothly so i tend to just mask everything that i assume other people wouldn't...