Does anyone feel "odd"?

I felt weird and out of place for as long as I've been aware.

It used to give me much anxiety.

After becoming aware of my personality type and finding this forum, I really don't care anymore. I embrace it.

I realize that what's going on in my mind isn't going on in theirs (most other people). They often can't see through me as I see through them.

Knowing this has been a game changer for me. So, educating myself, with the help of my dear forum friends, has increased my awareness in addition to my social health. It's easy to not GAF anymore.
Nope, I'm perfectly normal.
And if anyone disagrees, then I'll cut them. Cut them real good.
Sometimes, but I don't mind, I like being odd.

I realize that what's going on in my mind isn't going on in theirs (most other people). They often can't see through me as I see through them.
Yup, Ni is the odd-ball here as it revolves around observing its own reality, patterns, events, mannerisms, small queues, personality traits, etc. with situations and people and connecting all of them.

Not a lot of people focus that hard on all these aspects. Or think/feel that extensively in their own mind.
Anxiety is a bit of a inherited trait with this, being overstimulated by all the information.

So tuning it down when its not needed works wonders; just self-observing yourself in the situation and knowing "ok i'm going a bit too far in my own thought train on this one". But also embrace it when you can use it for a proper benefit (helping others, self enrichment, education and whatnot).

Knowing this has been a game changer for me. So, educating myself, with the help of my dear forum friends, has increased my awareness in addition to my social health. It's easy to not GAF anymore.
Nope, I'm perfectly normal.
Does anyone else feel like their always the "weird" one in the room, even though they go out of their way to appear perfectly "normal"?
People like me more when I'm being myself. I am most comfortable (around people), when they are new or strangers. If there are a bunch of people, start a conversation with someone you don't know. People that have known me for a while (non INFJs), like to use their mind-screw skills every once in a while on me.

Strangers haven't given me anything to slam the door on.

"Normal"? Normal is you. Everybody else is the freak.
"Does anyone else feel like their always the "weird" one in the room, even though they go out of their way to appear perfectly "normal"?"

The first is a given and just expected only I don't really care about trying the second anymore. (On the other hand it does matter quite a bit if specific people describe me as normal, part of which would include the word 'weird' :) )
People tend to think i'm completely normal but notice my introversion. Otherwise, i tend to (kinda) strategically, aggressively fit in, in order to avoid unneeded stress and i always want my interactions to run smoothly so i tend to just mask everything that i assume other people wouldn't understand. But most people don't know the real me as a result. And i know i'm pretty weird. Almost alien.
I feel pretty even.
Though I'm responsible for odd numbers on the advent calendar this year :thonking:
Feels like a simulation even though the people are real most are a part of the simulation rather than being outside of it all as they tend to fit in pretty well going on about their 9-5 grinds like it is just a part of the normal cycle of life never thinking much beyond the usual matters. For myself personally I do feel that I don't belong and that this isn't the world nor the people that I belonged to but none the less along for the ride as some player in a crappy game. If EA ever made a world simulation this would be it complete it micro transaction hell but instead of loot boxes with the small chance of getting something nice it is bills for overpriced services and a crappy overall experience even if we are not personally suffering there is always someone else.
Not really anymore, though I do feel weird sometimes and I used to feel more like that before. I don't mind feeling or being weird. I think many feel the same way and everyone has their own little quirks which is cute. ^-^