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  • You are amazing, your voice is excellent! Shoegazer is my favourite I think.
    *sigh* I wish I could play the guitar like that but I'm a poor unfortunate novist. :D
    Did you go to a recording studio to record those?
    Aww, my internet is having problems!
    I like that sort of genre of music though. Hopefully I'll be able to connect to the page sometime soon.
    Wow, that's cool. Hollywood, vintage, music.... sounds like you're living quite a life there.
    Are you part of a band or just a soloist. Oooo and what sort of genre?
    Taking pictures of clouds. mm hmm, yup clouds. I have heaps of memories of really vivid pictures in clouds and was thinking the other day how disappointed I am that I didn't have a camera to take a photo. Also career hunting, meh.

    What sort of gigs?
    Take that you you... you...
    *runs away*
    Gosh, your face jokes! I never know what to say to those. I guess you've discovered my weakness but don't worry I'll be plotting my come back.
    Nah. What's it been? 4-5 days? I'm screwed. :/
    Hey, I really like the photos / pictures in your album, did you make them or get them from somewhere? I've always been looking for a certain type of art that I'd like and the ones you have are the closest I've seen.
    I like your avatars, you seem to change them alot :)
    Keeps it interesting though when I log in and see a different picture and I'm like "who's that" and then I realise "oh, it's thursday again" :)
    Aww, thanks. I took it myself.
    Since I do photography in school I needed a couple of self portraits. :D

    Nice art in your album... I like trio
    A lot of people want her to go back to her old style, but she's evolved and changed. I like the album the more I listen to it. I like all of her albums to be honest. One of my favorite songs is Cloud on My Tongue.
    I'm bored right now.. talk on. Have you listened to her new album yet? It's great!
    Aha sorry... I'm a bit sensitive, yeah (but usually I'm not this sensitive, promise!) XD but I'll keep that in mind, tho. Thanks for the warning =3
    Thanks for the compliments, again ^_^
    Uh oh, well let's hope you don't see anything negative about me XD I can't make any promises though, with the full moon only a few days away...
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