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  • yeah, when I saw it, I was awed by the bright colors. Thanks :) Hope you had a good day.
    just bought xmas presents, in bed and sipping some wine, trying to forget about life.

    also appartently lost a post i was typing and didn't save, so that's a bit annoying :(
    Thanks for the thumbs up and "Deep" on The 'Dear so and so post' but I'm afraid I misunderstood the thread if the commentary tells me anything lol I think it was TOO deep and not where
    that particular post should have been put, oh well :)
    Thank you for the reps and thumbs. Hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend :)
    haha thanks. Your awesome I always look for your threads since they keep me entertained please continue, and yes lets be friends- I concur.
    He can keep you company til early in the morning when he will NEED to go out. Pleasant dreams and good night for now.
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