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  • T
    I suck at math :(
    Can't we do these puzzles?
    I love puzzles where you need to find patterns.
    We're the same type eh?

    You were supposed to answer "omg nononono plz no"

    My plans never work.
    Because of YOU.

    I'll do it tomorrow, because I don't want to have any holes in my story.
    And it's 3 am now.
    It was my intention to be creepy.

    A few days ago, I succeeded in making this person I never met before so uncomfortable by saying creepy things.
    I'd tell you about it, but it wouldn't be appropriate :P
    Did you already go on someone's profile and write something like

    i like u

    loolololol april's fool

    So it would be 100% true in every meaning
    erm, so uh, erm tell me about cloud 9.13546287... *awkwardly fidgets*
    In my imagination, you're giving birth to our second child.

    Isn't it nice to share these things?
    I need no further proof than your lack of inhibitions, capital lettering and logical reasoning.

    I'm betting INFP at current, but I'll be honest, I haven't yet put much effort into studying you.

    This much is obvious, you show none of the attributes one so frequently finds on INTPforum.

    (I'm still livid over you stealing my thread idea by the by.)
    I still find your claim to INTP'ness is dubious, and it grows more so with each word you utter.

    *Bites thumb*

    Not that there is anything wrong with that.
    I think I'd be a hawk.

    What about you lady April?
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