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  • But seriously, I think certainty is just when we decide that the knowledge we have is good enough to act on. We're just picking out patterns and making educated guesses. The problem comes in when we want to be right beyond a shadow of a doubt. I think something about our culture or our language gives the illusion that something like certainty exists.
    Very tempting indeed, especially now, that I'm away; there's suddenly new threads opening, with lots of things to read... I'm taking it slow now, otherwise I won't get any job done. LOL

    Hmm, I'm reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (a third of it), so far it's interesting, even though fun wouldn't be the adjective I used. It's...kinda... Lonely, silent, a bit poignant, and....I might have been too obscure with this but it's very Japanese in the classic sense; the appearance of rigidity, solitude, and isolation. But I think I'll enjoy this book xD
    I keep thinking about what you had said, how we can't separate nutritional needs from consuming life.

    What is it about the biological cell that is unique and makes it unable to synthesize for our nourishment?
    mostly a desire of doing something; I always find myself distracted when checking the forums xD it's really interesting, haha

    yes, your avatar is very good! I like it as much as I like your old ones ;)
    I'm fine too, recently dled Haruki Murakami's novels, have started reading it XD
    My day has been pretty good, a lot of (se?) stuff, my cousin's daughter's Christening was today, so there were a lot of things dealing with my church and family... a really good time. Took a nice swim, but now I get to settle down with some snacks and read a book. :D So did you just see inception today, or was that a while ago? How was your day? Do anything interesting?
    hiii *hugs*

    long time no see (a week. A WEEK!), I see you're changing your avatar; it's cool xD I like the single ray of light~

    how are you doing? :D
    haha its funny because jung himself believed we were all connected also - he called it. the collective subconscious. fancy names alright.
    but personally i perfer using the more positive definitions. like heart
    or soul ^.^ jung refers to the soul as the self archetype.
    hmm the things my heart has shown to me?..
    my heart opened my eyes to the true universe.
    as it will do yours i can see ^.^ .
    but you see you are not seperate from your heart
    nor are you seperate from your soul.
    were we are here in the physical world. is not seperate from
    the spiritual . soz im all over the place haha
    bit confused on what to say :( i so didnt expect to meet anyone
    so soon to be interested in reality :d

    i would really like you to look up someone for me on youtube:)
    his name is wayne dyre. hes a very wise man :)
    and maybe if you have time...look up
    jerry and esther - abraham. these are other very enlightend souls
    :D and im sure you would love hearing there point of veiw :D
    i did. id like to say though. that . when you are choosing what off these people to watch or what e.p or what to learn about etc.
    let your heart guide you ^^ works everytime for me :)
    picking a book ...looking for a song etc :d
    sorry it took me so long to reply ^.^ i havnt been on for a while :d.
    im so glad you have been finding your way though :)
    and to be honest your your explaination is rather correct haha'
    unbelievibly so. you do have a connection with the universe .
    umm.. im gonna do some thinking though. not very good at explainations here :d heehe .ill get back to you tomorow
    I would offer you some chili that I made at lunch but I think it is the spiciest batch I have ever made in my whole life!
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