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  • Five day zombie march is what it feels like this is gonna turn into heheh. :hug: is very good to hear from you and I hope you are doing well on your tests
    :hug: Thank you May I hope yours is going well also :)

    I would love to teach English in Japan but I think I need a degree to even consider it. I may be wrong on that if your friends are doing it without one, if so maybe this other job opportunity I learned of today would open up that option for later. My aunt called me, this is my aunt by marriage through my mother's brother. Apparently they're still hiring folks for the oil spill cleanup and paying very well for the hazardous work, gonna try to get my application into them this weekend. From what I hear its very hard work but it would be meaningful and the pay is just nothing like I've ever experienced.

    I've never traveled outside the southeastern United States. You might say that traveling itch hasn't even been scratched yet :)
    Hey, I think that NAI/mf are to blame for almost anything broken around here, not so sure about that third nonexistent head though ... :D

    Working and enjoying life, the summer is finally here, and I couldn't be happier.
    Oh and I completely agree on the teleportation deal, sparked my ramble about travel in the previous message...if I could go anywhere I wanted to in an instant I'd go everywhere.

    I don't mind the cold at all really. I can always find a way to get warm.
    I could use the work and will do the work, but I really don't want to work at a gas station. Dunno if I mentioned it before but I'd gladly shovel manure for minimum wage instead of interacting with people constantly that I don't choose to. If I get the job maybe it would be a good experience for me, is the positive side I think about.

    If anything once I get fit enough to enlist I'll get to travel, thats what I'm looking forward to. I think the perfect setup would be if I was stationed in Japan for my four years, I could finally immerse myself in a culture that has fascinated me for so long. Then after I get out I could move on with my life for good or bad, visit some other countries to feel their soil beneath my feet and breathe their air awhile.

    We'll find out in a few months what the next four years will hold I suspect.
    I wish I knew, it has either been rejected by the corporate people over my friend or it is still in limbo. I'll hear something I guess as soon as Hoop does.

    I like to offer kind words to anyone that needs them darlin, it is most rewarding if it helps a friend in some way. :)

    Showers...I have to decide what block of time I want to work outside because I will have to take a shower before I sit or lay down to relax. Irritates me to no end if I have to take more than one a day because I hate wasting water. I have central air and a fan running but jeez it still feels stifling. Amazed its cold somewhere, wish I was there!
    Doing ok for the most part. Been a little agitated due to the heat. When I'm physically active outside I don't mind it so much, the perspiration and general grungy feel. Drives me nuts when I'm trying to relax though and my mind goes through its cartwheeling circus madness.

    I hope you weather those exams well, I was always a last minute crammer and had my own fair share of gut wrenching dismay over them. Glad you are doing wonderfully otherwise :)
    hey I see you changed your name! (Great month :D I'm an April baby too) Why the change? :)
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