Recent content by TomasM

  1. TomasM

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    Beautiful song. I know you've committed to (E)xtroversion but I still believe you a may be an ambivert. There's way more introspect here than most extroverts.
  2. TomasM

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    Yeah, I know that feeling. It's like a spiraling rabbit hole. Alison Krause has a beautiful voice. I've always liked her music. Thanks for the share.
  3. TomasM

    Discussing the Quantum Brain (Orch OR) - Penrose and Hameroff

    @dragulagu - Quantum computing is merging the advancement of traditional computing with quantum function. Separately, time as it relates to quantum mechanics, is highly theoretical. My point is that these topics can’t really be explored within the context of ORCH OR because it hasn’t yet...
  4. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    That’s debatable but I understand your perspective. My point was that it is a proxy war for the US and I don’t believe we have any reason to be engaged. Biden put us in that war for the money and the US had no reason to be engaged in that conflict unless we look at the situation as NATO and...
  5. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    It’s never a proxy for the country that hosts the majority of the battles. It is however a proxy for other countries that have geopolitical ambitions. Here’s some context.
  6. TomasM

    Intuition - Origin and Definition

    I was reflecting on intuition and the things that seem to activate it. Most of the psychological studies seem to focus more visual cues and this triggered an interest in better understanding the auditory as a stimulator of intuition. There’s certain music that will often increase my focus and...
  7. TomasM

    Discussing the Quantum Brain (Orch OR) - Penrose and Hameroff

    This is what ORCH OR is suggesting and has been using experimentation to solidify. This is outside the scope of the discussion but there is plenty of debate about time among physicist. We definitely have a perception of it. It would be an interesting discussion if you want to start a new thread.
  8. TomasM

    Discussing the Quantum Brain (Orch OR) - Penrose and Hameroff

    No worries mate. Though this theory was mostly solidified in the 90’s, it’s still very young in its development. This is a difficult question to answer because quantum and cosmos are limited by our perceptions. Observation does appear to have an effect but is it material, non-material, or a...
  9. TomasM

    Discussing the Quantum Brain (Orch OR) - Penrose and Hameroff

    The last video I posted - the post directly above your post is quite simplified. I’ll try to make it a little more general. In the past, the theory has been that electrical signals occur and move across the surface of neurons throughout the brain and this gave rise to function / consciousness...
  10. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    It has become exceedingly obvious that China and the CCP wants to rule the world and they're not even hiding it. If I had to get into bed with a devil, it would be the one that appears to be playing second fiddle to the one wearing the biggest crown (China). I don't so much believe that Ukraine...
  11. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    Interesting, the Whitehouse is going to release the Epstein documents. Not sure what that means yet, but I’m hopeful that this level of transparency is both accurate and complete. I suspect we will see some fallout from the disclosure of Epstein’s recordings. I believe we can all agree that...
  12. TomasM

    Is MBTI becoming old?

    I really enjoyed reading this. Not because I like the idea of isolation but because the concept was mentally stimulating. As I reflected on what the interview was saying, it seemed to be incomplete with respect to the words used. What I read was that people have grown more isolated but that the...
  13. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    I've now heard a few people make fun of Elon's analyst for not knowing COBOL but as someone who has actually worked with both high and low level languages (including COBOL at university), I'd have to say that not using / knowing it is in fact a smart choice. Foregoing education in a higher...
  14. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    I would relate it being similar to the EU in Europe. The obvious difference IMO would be that a merge with Canada would better fit if it were by providence rather than the entire country being a single state. People value their sovereignty and the providences in Canada carry distinct cultures...
  15. TomasM

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    I know it's an unpopular opinion but I personally like the idea of countries merging. For example, if the US, Canada, and Mexico all merged into a single country then there would be a diverse labor force, finance spread across a much larger population, and enhanced access to natural resources...