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  • yep, thats my goal not only with this forum but more in everyday life in general you know, start putting myself out there more. lol yeah i def have that side to me, to be honest i think everyone does, it is more who is comfortable with letting this show.

    yeah i hear what you're saying about neutral, sometimes its better that way.
    now that you say that i could see how mario and tanuki could seem contradictory if tanuki is associated with mischief, though i have that side to me too lol.

    and yep, you are right, at least my interpretation of mario is being social and likeable.

    lol couldn't agree more about avatars being fun, what do you have in mind for your new one?
    Well, when I went back to Japan after my exchange program, I was in Chiba and most of my friends were in Fukuoka or Tokyo. Tokyo isn't far away from Chiba (about an hour) but they were ALWAYS busy with work and couldn't hang out much. =/
    What did I do? I watched a lot of TV.

    Culinary school? Wow! Man, I love to cook. How did you get interested in that? Are you going to become a chef? Where would you like to cook at? A restaurant? Hotel? Your own restaurant?
    i just re read your last message where you talked about tanuki as if it were seperate, i had only known tanuki as a suit that mario wore i think it was in super mario brothers 3, i didn't know it was an actual animal lol i just googled it. anyway, i like your avatar, and however you came to settle on it is just fine i think, doesn't make much difference (:
    yeah well i've always enjoyed the idea of mario in the sense that he is friendly, and yet is a dangerous foe to his adversaries. he's a hero of the oppressed who's not afraid to do things himself, and yet enjoys peoples company also. to me, he represents balance, in myself and in life. for a long time i put alot of emphasis on just myself, until i discovered enneagram and realized my life needed more balance, and that i was just a part of the whole of humanity like everyone else so he represents that change in me. is there a special meaning behind your avatar?
    Yes, my time in Japan was spread out over two separate trips.

    I had many friends when I was an exchange student.
    When I went back to teach English, I lived by myself out in the country.
    My hopes of 'reliving' my exchange program experience never came true.
    I guess that's why I was lonely.

    Hahh... yeah, I'll be 30 next year. I can't believe it.

    You in school? What are you doing these days?
    I have lived in Japan for a little over 2 years. For an exchange program and for teaching English. My exchange program was awesome but when I went back 2 years later to teach English I was very lonely.

    I'm about 10 years older than you. Haha.
    yes! you are the first one who has known the tanuki suit! lol actually i was looking at shirts online and this popped up, i still haven't gotten the shirt but plan on doing just that.
    Definitely go to Japan if you get the opportunity. I could ride the trains all day. I especially like the trains at night because you can't see out of the windows - they're like mirrors reflecting the inside of the train back to you. It's almost like nothing exists outside of the train.

    Yep - fear of rejection is a punk. How old are you, Tri?
    Where in Asia are you posting from? For some reason, I don't think you're in Japan but I could be wrong.

    Honestly, I think people wouldn't warm up to a more affectionate me because I'm afraid they don't already accept me. Sad huh? But when you get down to the core of what's going on, I really do want to be more affectionate (but not like my friend). I'm just coming up with a reason for why I think it's safer not to try. Fear of rejection.
    yes most def, insightful and honest. and also your english is quite good, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it bc i've never had a problem understanding where you were going.
    Surprise you?

    I'm making assumptions based solely on your words.

    It's poor sport, but humans do it a lot, and you know fitting in keeps things quiet.
    I've never been able to figure out (maybe I just haven't done enough research) if you're a guy or a girl...

    So you relate to hugging misery with me? I'm happy someone else gets me. I really do wish I could change but I'm not sure people would warm up to a Wyst that always wants a hug...

    Now that I think about it... I know someone who ALWAYS wants a hug when I see them. It's very irritating.
    I don't want to be 'that guy'. lol
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