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  • I just think it could easily get out of control. If you choose to take actions try not to take sides too much, I mean not being too personal at first.
    Are you generally a soft kind of manager or a firm kind? Or it depends on the person you interact with?
    i am so tired. i just wanna sleep and eat sushi, maybe watch a movie. i dont wanna do work!
    Wow I've never seen the fruit in them before.

    I haven't had inari, but tomago is very good.
    Yeah, I'm finding that traditional/simple sushi is better. If it is too fancy, it drowns out the fish, which is what I like about sushi. I'm fine with the seaweed as well.
    So they do put cheese sauce on the sushi here too. I tried it, but I didn't like it. I don't really like cheese on or in sushi. I don't like the cream cheese in it. I like cheese, just not with sushi. They just don't mix. The fish taste is good on its own. But its good to try new things?

    Do you like it?
    Your cupcake avatar is nice and gentle too. It has made me hungry on many occasions. :) Mmm... No, I don't actually like mint icecream that much! My favourite is orange chocolate-chip.

    Do you like icecream? What's your favourite flavour? I like to know these things. :)
    Ohh... I feel awkward too now. :mcute:

    On a brighter note, I love your background colour. Reminds me of goody-gumdrops icecream. Nice and minty. <3
    are you sure...
    you can always blabber to me about it if you'd like, whenever you'd like
    and you should post it up in here when you're on tc!
    well, most would probably say yes, but several things:
    1) i don't know i'm INFJ or not
    2) I don't career/study has too strong a correlation with MBTI. MBTI's pretty general. It depends more on person than type.
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