Recent content by Vagrant

  1. Vagrant

    Are you reluctant to tell people when something is wrong

    If I think the problem is minor, or will fix itself, I won't bother talking about it. However, if a problem is major, I will speak up.
  2. Vagrant

    help me type the guy i'm dating?

    Yeah, to me it sounds like he's a very well-rounded guy. It's difficult to call. The way you describe him, it sounds like he's ENTJ, ENFJ, or INTJ.
  3. Vagrant

    Helping friends but they shut you out.

    You don't need to reach your arms out -- just be there for them if they need it. If they want your comfort, they'll come to you. (Oh, and yes, I am in Arizona. I'm originally from California though)
  4. Vagrant

    You self-righteous little...

    Every time I've read that, I both laugh and die inside. On the one hand, I laugh because it's so blatantly "I am better than you, you should buy my product to be as good as me" in an almost sarcastic manner. On the other hand, I die inside because he's trying to exploit people who are insecure...
  5. Vagrant

    "Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ"

    I don't think any of the INXX's have it easy.
  6. Vagrant

    INTJ asking for relationship assistance

    Don't worry -- I know what PUA's do (and how it works too, it's not just made up crap. It makes sense). And I could do it. But I'm not interested in doing it. So I won't. I don't need a quick ****, I want an in-depth relationship. If I wanted a quick ****, I could just go on craigslist. I know...
  7. Vagrant

    recognising an ENTP

    My brother does that all the time. It's particularly annoying when he feels like bothering me -- as an INTJ, I take my time to organize my thoughts and come up with something. But he's ridiculously fast at coming up with comebacks and insults, until he finally angers me enough that I just get...
  8. Vagrant

    Helping friends but they shut you out.

    You shouldn't -- I know as an INTJ, when I'm really distraught, if I don't want somebody to help, they'd only make it worse if they did try. I will appreciate the gesture, it's just that I do need to be alone.
  9. Vagrant

    Delayed Gratification

    The entire system has been running on money that simply doesn't exist. Of course the economy is gonna falter once that problem returns.
  10. Vagrant

    At what age does a person become an adult?

    Agreed. It's relative.
  11. Vagrant

    Physical Contact

    I don't like being touched by anybody but those I'm close to and trust. That is, assuming that it's not the most beautiful woman in the world coming up and rubbing my crotch. Then I might make an exception.
  12. Vagrant

    Murder Quiz

    You Scored as Sociopathic KillerPure sociopathy is extremely rare, but Sociopathic Killers embody it. Able to compartmentalize their emotions (or more rarely, not experiencing emotions at all), they can kill without any remorse...
  13. Vagrant

    INTJ asking for relationship assistance

    Ok, so I'm not an INFJ. I can admit that. But you guys seem pretty good at relationship advice. My problem is that I'm single. And I want to meet the right girl -- preferably an intuitor. But I have no idea how to go about doing that. And due to my introversion and additional shyness, I...
  14. Vagrant

    recognising an ENTP

    Yeah, I noticed that too -- my brother (entp) consistently loses stuff. I do too, but I make a habit of putting things in the same place so I don't lose them.
  15. Vagrant

    :P I already voted, bunnies though. >.>

    :P I already voted, bunnies though. >.>