Recent content by vegaSagev

  1. vegaSagev

    Being Drawn to People

    Does it usually happen to be the gender you are attracted to? And someone within the range or romantic possibility or is it a more universal thing where it could be some draw having nothing to do with chemistry?
  2. vegaSagev

    Being Drawn to People

    What is fascinating to me is the argument I have with myself about whether or not the other person is having the same feeling and if they are, do they know that I know that they know... It's an intense moment and sometimes lasts for a little while for me, even when they are gone.
  3. vegaSagev

    Maybeee. :)

    Maybeee. :)
  4. vegaSagev

    One year after the affair by ISTP spouse

    Great thoughts everyone. I recognize it may be over. But I am not willing to give up, on her, on myself, our family (3 kids) or any of it. I spent a long time time as the (accidently) aloof and disinterested one. She was lonely and depressed. She used to tell me she was lonely, but I...
  5. vegaSagev

    One year after the affair by ISTP spouse

    She didn't call me. She didn't say, "Stop" or "Don't leave" or anything. I almost think she disrespects the fact that I came back so quickly. I told her and I feel I did not do this to punish her, but I truly felt unwanted and I was seriously uncomfortable being in a place where I am not wanted...
  6. vegaSagev

    One year after the affair by ISTP spouse

    So it's almost been a year. It was happening a year ago, but I didn't find out until September. When part of it was going on last year, I was out of state for a week for an annual work event. Last week, I traveled again with fear and worry. Things have been excellent before last week and I...
  7. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Update: So, It's been about 8 weeks since she told me what happened. In the past week I have been almost completely without any anxiety. I have taken your advice to focus on myself and my own journey, and it works. I am becoming more confident, losing weight, and trying to find peace...
  8. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Good stuff, Entyqua. I have often tried to share my type description and Love Languages. I think she knows, it's just unnatural for her. I also agree that she doesn't INTEND to be distant and aloof, but that's just how I perceive it. When we were first married, she shared something I need to...
  9. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    So good, Rogue. Thank you. She says I am always looking for the lie and yet I see it as looking for truth. When I see her phone log and its mostly me or someone else I know calling or texting, I feel better. I haven't done that nearly as much lately and she said recently I could check anytime I...
  10. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Water, this is excellent. I do feel like I crave the secret self. She writes little journal entries in her planner (that I have to force myself not to read) and I wish she would share them with me. She only does when she is mad, and VERY rarely. I know she has those quiet thoughts, I just need...
  11. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Slant, you are awesome. You are also one of the ISTPs I have seen on here and I am honored to have such a thoughful response from you. As I have read your other posts, I have thought the missez really is like you a lot and I value your insights. Thank you. That is a huge validation for me on...
  12. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Ria, I also want to say thank. I read your post a few days ago and that was part of why I registered on these forums. You sharing what you have been through is helpful and I just wanted to thank you for your posts here and for your other threads I have found so helpful.
  13. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Although I am a normally skeptical person I missed all the signs. She got a new hairstyle, baught new lingerie, did all that kind of stuff. Got way more sexually interested with me. Our best month ever was when this was going on. A bit more about the history: About a month before this began, I...
  14. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    No, he got fired. He was a pretty messed up guy, offering her overtime to stay and shit like that.
  15. vegaSagev

    ISTP infidelity on INFJ spouse...HELP!

    Thanks for the honesty Tamagochi...hurts a little but I believe you. Pretty sure I'm INFJ but maybe not. Yeah, I cannot force her to love me. That's my biggest fear is not what she does or doesn't do but that she doesn't love me. Some tell me, duh, dude, how could she love you and do this...