We sound very similar! I used to be a rock chick myself, I don't dress that way completely anymore but there are definitely elements in my wardrobe (wearing a dark greay tshirt with a red, white and blue skull today!). I dress so many different ways...it's a great way of showing off your personality. I still listen to a lot of metal. What kind of music do you enjoy?
Oh wow! I have a lot of respect for you. I can understand where you are coming from...my family are all ADD. My 6 year old sister is VERY ADHD and my 10 year old brother is most likely autistic, he just hasn't been properly tested. IT does run in the family though, so its more than likely. Respect, lady! And also thank you, I'm on my own with my little girl and some days I despair of my parenting! She's bordering on hyperactive, so I'm kept busy.
Hooray for the bagel! Stick with it! I hope the kids are being good for you today.
As for the makeup...I'm the same, I tend to focus on my eyes most. You should try experimenting in the evenings when the kids have gone to bed...it's relaxing and a lot of fun. Try out a couple of cheap lipsticks and see if you can find a few colours that suit. I've found tons of tutorials on youtube that have been pretty easy to follow. I don't wear make up much these days, but its nice to be able to try somethng new when you get the chance to go out