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  • Sorry, meant you *can subscribe to them. They'll come up in your user control panel every time there's a new post.
    That's cool :) I've got a friend that's walking the Appalachian trail.
    I prefer to forget myself. :) I pretty much have to have a partner who advocates for/remembers me.

    It is extremely difficult for me, relating to the opposite cog functions. I study a lot.
    Hmm, you are... INTP? My beau is a lead introverted feeler, and he said he would not consider my emotional state over his in the moment, and would stop talking to me for a day or so if I slipped and said that to him. Luckily, my extroverted feeling helps me consider his feelings over mine, for the most part. :)
    Lol, I thought you may have meant it that way. He's an infp. Very sensitive. I would never prefer to be spoken to so harshly, and I severely doubt he would either.
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