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  • Heck yeah!

    *high five*

    My profile does, admittedly, tend to be host to an unspeakably copious amount of cats. :lol:
    Oh nothing lol, I'm just known to be fond of felines, so it was just me poking fun at myself.
    Indeed they are, although on the upside getting through them does lend an extra degree of satisfaction to one's success upon graduating. :)
    It'll be a relief and well worth it - once it's out of the way and you can focus on your chosen field. :D
    :cheer2: :rockon: :roll: :humble: :yo: :whoo: :dance: :cheer2:

    I will always cheer those on that most definitely deserve it. <3
    Society's inaccurate perception seems like a solid description :p If we can change the world for the better then perhaps we shou;d, or atleast bring the terribly cliché to those who appreciate it ;)
    You're welcome chief ^^ Ah... It's worth veering down deeper, because you'd love the sights in the corny territories, it is beautiful here ^^ Come and drop by sometime ;p Unlike the dark side, we really do have cookies! ^^
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