Recent content by Y0u

  1. Y

    Rehabilitation and crime

    The still-photo is deceiving. The video is well worth the watch. Imagine the world being run by them, the survival of the fittest if you will, et voila, you have Earth. I have 145 scars on my body from them. Witnessing the attempted murder of my father at elementary/middle-school age, the...
  2. Y

    [PUG] The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results

    You are living in a century that was returning from the centuries slowly stolen from the American people and the birthright fought for by the original Rebels that started the Union of the United States of America. Don't get me wrong, they killed many innocent Native Americans, and enslaved many...
  3. Y

    Post your mood in music format

    Oh, and in case you're wondering, it wasn't the people in the office room who thought they were going to be getting to the bottom of the fraud happening in their companies who were the deserving parties of the lake of fire and "chain reactions".
  4. Y

    Post your mood in music format

    I'll build a total replica if people want... guess where? Fire-bombs or nukes, what do you think will do the real (wherever the evidence leads) perps in?
  5. Y

    11 Places Every Introvert Should Go - Have you?

    Switzerland, The Apls. Yes, you should go. Take skiing or snowboarding lessons beforehand.
  6. Y

    Another Storm Brewing

    Again.... Thyroid Cancer... only known environmental cause is ... radiation (from radioactive Iodine). Then we have 9/11 first responders with 240% increased rate of thyroid cancer... hmm... throw in elevated rates of ALL cancers, soft tissue cancers including prostate and breast cancer, and...
  7. Y

    Another Storm Brewing

    I won't go to prison falsely, under anyone's terms either. Dmitri Khalezov did have it (mostly as far as I can tell right, though). 9/11 was nuclear, and that's why the WMD in Iraq lies, and my vociferous refusal of it why my life has been so miserable (after seeing so many UFO's and now only...
  8. Y

    President Donald Trump

    I wish good luck to him in draining the swamp, however as his VP choice was Pence, I don't, personally, see it going very far. It's very easy to shoot Presidents and have their VPs in office. Watch "The Money Masters" or other such documentaries. All Presidents who have fought the...
  9. Y

    [PUG] The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results

    I would have a harder time accepting the truthfulness of a Hillary victory. The fact that Trump had extensive exit poll volunteers is what won him the election, after Hillary stole it from Bernie (look up the DNC shenanigans from wikileakes to verify; the TV won't tell you the truth it's owned...
  10. Y

    Clinton vs Trump, Trump vs Clinton

    Remember those leaks from the DNC that the media only gave you a few sentences about the contents of and then blamed the Russians?
  11. Y

    Another Storm Brewing

    We already have more dial-a-yield nukes than we would ever use, and they've (almost) obviously found other uses for them on our own civilians. Some people think foreign powers snuck the nukes onto our soil, but I know from experience that there are more than enough corrupt and psychopathic...
  12. Y

    Trump / Clinton v. Stein / Johnson

    Vote Richard Dolan, or somebody else, they're all either anti-gun (in America's worst period to ever try to ban guns from civilians) or bought and sold.
  13. Y

    Another Storm Brewing

    Are we talking about babies with lots of Thimerosal or not? If you're talking about more and more fluoride in the water, please shoot me and get it over with. I will provide both the gun and the ammunition.
  14. Y

    Another Storm Brewing

    Lol, if you can believe a passport being found w/o any other body parts... God what a fucking mess. Oh, man, I hope for my own ego I never heard that until this year.