Trump / Clinton v. Stein / Johnson


Si master race.
Anybody voting for the candidates who definitely won't win, but with enough votes may make a change for the future of the system as a whole? It's pretty much in the bag that Clinton will win (Trump will disappear if it comes down to it) so why not potentially support some better candidates and help that party grow as time moves forward? Wouldn't you like to see a third or fourth legitimate choice?
Yeah, I would like to see a third of fourth legitimate choice. Debating between Trump and Clinton, trying to figure out which candidate sucks less is pointless to me. I'll most likely end up voting for Gary Johnson, his views align the most with mine. If his policies were implemented, they would fix so many of the problems in our country.
I heard the green party candidate for US Senate in my state on the radio yesterday and I really liked him. If the GOP were not so fucked up I would vote green.
Vote Richard Dolan, or somebody else, they're all either anti-gun (in America's worst period to ever try to ban guns from civilians) or bought and sold.
I'm considering it. I'm pretty opposed to the idea of voting the lesser of the binary evils because otherwise the world will explode. If it does, so be it, but when all we have are two unpopular candidates, it's time to look elsewhere, and if change isn't possible through a president, then maybe it is through a slowly growing presence of additional parties in the house and senate.