yokai Jul 9, 2021 Utilizing others' perceptions of ourselves to define our worth and value is a slippery, dangerous slope.
Utilizing others' perceptions of ourselves to define our worth and value is a slippery, dangerous slope.
yokai Jul 8, 2021 Someone you haven't met is wondering what it would be like to know someone like you.
Sidis Coruscatis Jul 8, 2021 All your avis are aggressively tantalizing. That art style is the pinnacle of aesthetics.
yokai Jul 4, 2021 Sometimes it's better not to say anything than to say what you truly feel and make things worse.
yokai Jul 3, 2021 Resurfacing and coming up for air. Worst two months I've had in years. I missed this. And y'all.
yokai May 2, 2021 “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein
yokai Apr 28, 2021 “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” ― Robert Frost
yokai Apr 9, 2021 Talked in circles until my point is obscured and my mouth is full of bitterness. I hate this.
yokai Mar 25, 2021 Love is the sweetest of hurts. A longing ache for what can be, what I see just beneath the surface, but beyond my reach. Someday.
Love is the sweetest of hurts. A longing ache for what can be, what I see just beneath the surface, but beyond my reach. Someday.
yokai Mar 22, 2021 Today I've seen what it looks like when Ni goes seriously rogue with ample paranoia. It wasn't pretty to watch.
Today I've seen what it looks like when Ni goes seriously rogue with ample paranoia. It wasn't pretty to watch.
yokai Mar 21, 2021 Seclusion is a powerful drug. I don't want to leave it once I have arrived to it, and that's why achieving it is dangerous for me.
Seclusion is a powerful drug. I don't want to leave it once I have arrived to it, and that's why achieving it is dangerous for me.
yokai Mar 20, 2021 Enjoying my day of relative solitude. Tomorrow, it's back to curating a place of peace for those I love.
Enjoying my day of relative solitude. Tomorrow, it's back to curating a place of peace for those I love.