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  • T

    Well, I enjoyed your presence while it lasted anyway :P
    But seriously, how are you?
    Oh hello there ;O
    What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? ;D
    Alright, Crazy fun summer after getting through the doom and gloom portion at the beginning. Back in Montana now
    No problem missus ;D
    I'm going to study some more I think, good night!
    Prankster, it's because I used to love the song 'Original Prankster' by the Offspring.

    The Jester is a reference to lyrics I wrote.
    Well, the internet is there to satisfy the needy!
    Anyways, I'm too psychopathic to be in a relationship anyways ;D
    Add: I'm not even getting any action in my dreams ;(
    It's not like they're erotical dreams or anything :P
    It's like, all of a sudden Christina's in your dream giving you advice on how to cook. Random stuff :P

    Now I think about it, I don't think I've had an erotical dream which I remembered.
    That's funny :P
    But then again, I've had dreams about forum members.
    Hi miss jennies!
    Well, I've been studying for my exams. Since I needed to retake a lot of them :P
    Since I'm practically finished for today, I thought I'd take a break and visit my fellow INFJs ;D (Just kidding, we both know I'm ISTP)
    How have you been?
    You eat piggies?!

    Haha, no I agree. Ham and pineapple are delicious together--especially when on a pizza :D
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