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  • T
    Fuck my dimples.
    Well, if he's anything like me, try to have sex with him.
    Easiest target ever.
    No new idea, besides the one I've already suggested.
    I'm not sure what approach you were thinking of.
    I downloaded a program me and a few rl friends used.
    One has won over a thousand dollars one time, he showed us his bank receipt :P
    I had already quitted by then.

    Well. Keyloggers are always detectable if you have an anti-virus/firewall.
    I guess it depends on how good the keylogger is, but I wouldn't bet on it.
    I've had cases where the victims firewall told them there was a virus, but they were still infected.
    Yes, I love to poker online.
    I haven't done it in a while though.

    Are you asking me if a keylogger would be easily detectable?
    Well, she wasn't mad because the thing is like 8 years old and was a piece of crap.

    You could always just download a keylogger.
    And no, I only played online poker on it.
    Oh, you mean the virusses that destroy your harddrive?
    Yea, I didn't think of that option with the keylogger.
    I didn't remember that yours had that option though.

    It did have lot's of fancy shit though.
    But the only way you'd destroy your own computer is by opening the file you've infected.
    Which wouldn't be that smart.
    And even then, you can probably still undo it if you quickly shut your computer down and restart it in safe mode.
    I once had this shitty virus that clogged up my harddisk. My laptop was ruined. (My moms actually :P)
    Yea, imagine that.
    You could steal your own password.
    You could just put it under 'safe'.
    I used to work without a firewall though. Because I hate firewalls.
    Always blocking my shit.

    You can always just turn off the firewall, infect the file, send it, turn the firewall back on.
    That's a long list to just say: 'Stop touching your penis/vagina'
    Yeah, my chronic masturbation causes me to be really unproductive though.
    believe me, mine makes even less sense! and the videos pics are just random stuff i find on the internet, nothing personal. i probably should post more interesting stuff, lol
    haha well there's probably more in there to immerse oneself in than there is in my blog (yup, i have one:highest echelons of mediocrity. most convoluted blog title ever, i know xD) which is mostly just a collection of pictures and videos.
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