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  • Thank you sweetest! (: I think I need an AC cause my fan isn't doing much in this weather.
    Ohhhh I would go back and read that again ifin I was you...uh...and I'm a wizard at innuendo. :D
    Also, I am very bad with deleting PMs. I should probably back them up then delete.
    Religion is fixed, based on beliefs and morals, and doesn't change. The only differences are the flavours.

    Spirituality is the celebration of ourselves as energetic beings in a physical body in a physical world. There are religions that completely discount spirituality, and there are spiritual beliefs that ignore religion. It could possibly be merged with the Magic and Mysticism or philosophy and religion... It encompasses both.
    I just ate! ^^ I've been a nightshifter for 2 years now.. so noon isn't really when my brain wants to eat... but I needed it.))Thanks for the suggestion;) .... btw, idk how to re-access your response... that part of this site still confuses me... >_<
    I was a combat engineer which is basically being a laborer in a combat environment. Last year I was working at college helping veterans get their GI Bill so that they could complete school in a timely manner. I've applied to a few similar jobs but to no avail. I am still keeping my eye out for that. I am a little excited to apply to the plumber union tomorrow, I've always found it very interesting and I am finally getting around to applying.
    Well it's pretty boring. I went to a job fair but I think that my area is full-up on jobs. But I find ways to keep busy, not profitable ways but it will do for now. I started reading a book on power that is very interesting, thats the highlight of my life right now, besides a HR guy reviewing my resume and telling me how impressive it was this morning.

    How's life treating you?
    just kidding around... thought the monkey would help.. lol... all is right with the world!
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