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  • I am doing pretty well, thanks ^_^
    Leaving for a rittle while again, I'll probably be back eventually though~~

    Sincerely hope you've been doing better lately --- take cares \(^。^ )
    I enjoy it a lot but I am horrible!! >_< And my oven is super old and rusty, lol. But that shouldn't matter really, tehee~ Just more practise (which means more eating, yum lol).
    I'm sure you will become better and make foods with yumminess. :3

    I'm glad you're okey, Mish! :) It's always good to be a little bit careful when trying new eating habits, just to be sure that getting all the right nutrients. ^_^
    Oh lol, yep! *_* It's very nice but lonely... ;_; It's not always easy though. Lots of responsibilities for many things, like taking care of the bills and this apartment just by myself.
    It would be easier if I could be living with my boyfriend. :/ Well, hopefully someday soon~ ♥ I lol'd when you said that. xD I need to wink wink him! Lady in danger (loneliness). ;)
    We don't see much because he is a bit of workaholic and we live very far away from each other, sniff. :'/ Maybe I can tell more about that someday later to you.
    I'm still in Finland, but I wish I could live in a warmer place, where people are more outgoing, because in my country people don't talk much to strangers and makes me even more lonely, ehh...
    What about you? Where you would like to live someday? ^_^

    No no, you are! >_< Hehe. *points you with a finger* Lol. :> Awww, thank youuu.
    Pffahaha a sex store?! xD hahah
    Well, yeah *nods* people do buy sex more than anything else. 'Sept food. I would suspect* they buy groceries more than porno >.>
    The key would be finding something that people need to buy. I had thought before entertainment would be the way to go in just cheaper merchandise but since working for an entrepreneur who had that exact same thought and seeing how many people go to the movies and go to buy video games as it is, your best bet is something like Netflix. Something that appeals to the masses, that would normally be a luxury but is affordable to everyone. So that or clothes or food or water, cause not everybody's a nudist yet *glares* yet, and we all still need sustenance *shrug* go figure. There ain't an app for that yet. Hahaha I said that shit at work today xD 'We have an app for that' to a customer hahah *smh*

    My dad's doing this stock market YouTube thing right now and he's made 20% profit. Says I need to learn cause banks aren't what they use to be and I concur. Right now I probably just need the basics. An intro to 'the fuck am I look'n at?' lol...

    And you could always cross the boarder and get some Dunkin', all the way to Texas :P longest flight/drive ever is the one across Texas -_-

    Lol PMS doesn't exist *rolls eyes* they meet me they'll be real happy to know it's PMS and not the devil xD
    Lol I actually haven't taken any business courses yet. Which is why! I was like, 'How has nobody figured this shit out yet?!' when I told you about the whole exchange of hands thing.
    Realistically though, just gonna be my own boss as far as writing or drawing or whatever the heck else I have a talent for. Should be learning the stock market now though... that shouldn't wait till after I get a degree. Lol it could be another ten years till then! -_-
    I'm game for starting a business together ^.^ I just very much doubt I'll have my degree in the next four years lol...

    Do you guys not have a Dunkin Donuts in Canada?!?!?! *jaw drops* Must explain why the logo is 'America runs on Dunkin' O.o lol

    And my hormones are off more often than not but when I'm on my period *points to self* total nut case x.x
    I took a humanities class a really long time ago and that book actually did keep my attention. This one, the author is just boring as all hell x.x
    And I got dunkin donuts :3 totally just texted my dad while at work, ' Do not eat anymore doughnuts! Save them all for me!!!' xD
    There's only like three left but still, I'm on my period and craving sweets!!!
    And right now I'm majoring in business. I figure I can do whatever the fuck I want to so long as I know how to make money off it :D
    Ahahh, I will try, thanks! ^_^ Though, actually tried a little bit changing it yesterday but couldn't get it how I wanted. >_<

    It's really hard... But there's probably lots of yummy recipes on the web, I think! Aww, I'm sorry to hear that it made you feel weaker. ;_; I will let you know if I try it someday.
    Protein is very important because it keeps the stomach full and happy, heh~ I don't live with my parents anymore. I actually moved out from childhood's home about 4 months ago!
    It was so exciting. :> Especially the first night in the new place was weird. I felt so alone because no one around (not living together with my boyfriend currently ;_;).
    It can be expensive though, even with the job and all... Because I am now the only person who pays everything: the rent etc. of course, so need to be good at saving, lol!
    Mom cooks meat dishes and it made it little hard, as you said. :/ Now it would be easier to try it.. Well, maybe someday. ^_^

    Aww, you're too kind! :) Not cheesy, you're very sweet. :3
    I'm taking a history class. It's actually not that bad after I took the time out to read the syllobous. I'm sure I'll do fine. The text book doesn't seem to be able to keep my attention right now though. Got doughnuts on the brain x.x

    Mmm, doughnuts *salivates*
    And now as I'm writing this I keep having the realization that my life is just too crazy at this point in time. With the military I'm at an impasse. In Ukraine my cousin's life has gone from being quite nice. He worked as a lawyer in Kiev. But with the way things are, he didn't get payed for his work and had to go back to Dnepropetrovsk (where I was born) ... He told me about how the Russians are destroying the infrastructure of Ukraine, shelling cities full of civilians, destroying chemical plants, and that the hospitals in Dnepropetrovsk are at capacity with those wounded in the war.

    My male best friend (also in the army) who I've traveled with since I got to Germany left for good. Yesterday I had to say goodbye so the last thing we did together was watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Then in a giant soccer field we played a game of glow in the dark speed badminton. We had the BMW parked right beside the field and blasting songs like "Chandelier" and "Lovers on the sun" It was exhilarating! There's this top 40 German song, "Au Revoir" (he speaks French and has a French accent) That's the last song I played, and told him "You better listen to this song on the plane." He said. "I will listen to this song and remember you."

    It was an intense parting. I think I've had so many partings at this point that I'm a little numb to it. But it really is hard to let go of a person you've made this many unforgettable memories with. There's someone in my life right now... a sweet French girl that if I get too close to her, if she lets me... It'll be infinitely more painful to say goodbye when I leave Germany.

    I'm sorry for this wall of text! It's just you could say emotionally and otherwise I'm in a very complicated place xD

    Enough about me. What's been going on in your life these past few months?

    -I've also missed you- :m1:
    We were in a group of 5 friends, but it ended up being her and me glued to each other. She's so sweet... on the way home we were in the back of the of the car. She leaned her head against my shoulder and fell asleep for the entire ride. We had lot's of crazy adventures that day. For example we almost got into the wrong car after leaving my godparents' apartment. She was the one who was like "Hey that's them! I guess they moved the car and are waiting for us! Let's hurry and get in." So we walked over and I opened the door and was seriously about to step in, but then I saw these guys I didn't know in the car. I'm thinking, "WTF?" And she's pulling my arm and saying "Oops XD That's not them." Feeling really awkward we walk across the street and we're both laughing at being such idiots! She's a tennis player. The next day we played tennis so intensely my arm still feels sore two weeks later!

    Friends like that are impossible to let go. She lives 200 miles away but I'm definitely going to see her again! I'm staying in touch with her of course. But this is where it gets interesting. I haven't talked to Clare from Texas for over a year. She was in my past for two years. But then with perfect timing. Right after I met Katrin, her doppelganger, Clare who's never on facebook used one of the silly photos I once took of her climbing a tree as her profile photo. The unlikely serendipity was enough to get me to talk to her again because for these two weeks... ever since I met Katrin I've been constantly reminded of how much I miss her. And as we talked I realized that when I go back home to Texas, Clare will be there. Still the girl that means the world to me as a friend. To save money we might even end up renting an apartment together near the college we'll both attend!
    Mmm I miss talking to you as well as this forum. In a way I'm being gravitated back to the infj. I got back in touch with my favorite infj back home in Texas, Clare. She's my first and best close infj friend... the most adorable girl imaginable. I started liking infjs so much because of her. It's a funny and serendipitous story how she and I got back in touch.

    I drove all the way to Duisburg Germany to see my godparents and their grandkids. They were amazing people and for those 4 days I was there, I felt more at home than I felt in years. Home cooked meals every day, every conversation in Russian with German once in awhile... It was like I never joined the military, as if I never moved to America. It was the most surreal experience. I fit in so perfectly into their lives and their lives are beautifully rich in fond memories and love. My godparents are in their 70s. They've been together for so long and still love each other so much! They sure are a better example than my parents. Well my godmother introduced me to the daughter of one of her friends. She was like, "You might get along with this girl! She is your age and doesn't go out much. She's always in her shell. Maybe you can get her to open up? I'll invite her over tomorrow!" And sure enough this beautiful girl, Katrin made me feel so nostalgic! She instantly reminded me of Clare. There was a physical resemblance in their expressions and mannerisms but it was something deeper. The unique way I felt around Clare is the same way I felt around Katrin. It's a hard thing to explain but it has everything to do with them both being infjs. Not only infjs but infjs with a striking resemblance. I think I fell into a trance around her, and yes I did get her out of her shell. I even got her to go to her first electro music festival and lightshow! But we both hated the music!
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