I enjoy it a lot but I am horrible!! >_< And my oven is super old and rusty, lol. But that shouldn't matter really, tehee~ Just more practise (which means more eating, yum lol).
I'm sure you will become better and make foods with yumminess. :3
I'm glad you're okey, Mish!

It's always good to be a little bit careful when trying new eating habits, just to be sure that getting all the right nutrients. ^_^
Oh lol, yep! *_* It's very nice but lonely... ;_; It's not always easy though. Lots of responsibilities for many things, like taking care of the bills and this apartment just by myself.
It would be easier if I could be living with my boyfriend. :/ Well, hopefully someday soon~ ♥ I lol'd when you said that. xD I need to wink wink him! Lady in danger (loneliness).

We don't see much because he is a bit of workaholic and we live very far away from each other, sniff. :'/ Maybe I can tell more about that someday later to you.
I'm still in Finland, but I wish I could live in a warmer place, where people are more outgoing, because in my country people don't talk much to strangers and makes me even more lonely, ehh...
What about you? Where you would like to live someday? ^_^
No no, you are! >_< Hehe. *points you with a finger* Lol. :> Awww, thank youuu.