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  • I think I need some woman's slap on my face. <'-"> what on google earth am I talking about?
    Everything in your blog is all about yourself. So is it you who I had just stopped caring about? Some themes of your blog are full of despair..
    Hey pretty lady... just finishing up my last night of vacation in Seattle. What a vibrant city... I have fallen in love with it! Sigh!! It is rainy and lovely tempurature wise... around +11C. I hear it's cold back home- I have a loooonnnggg drive from Calgary tomorrow night. Then home! Excited to catch up with you again. Life is wonderful. You? oxo :) :hug:
    Aww, I understand. :lol: Ahaha, well it was only a dream, remember that~ I have had two dreams like that... One of them was a dream where I walked alone in a cemetery middle of the night. It was winter and there was a bloody dark red haze at there. :S Also the cemetery was middle of the forest. It was a seriously creepy dream!! :( Also I walked alone in one looong and creepy road next to that forest, so I walked in that road before I saw the cemetery. I am seriously bad explaining stuff, so I leave it to that... xD Also I woke up to that nightmare middle of the night 3:00 am. Yeah, Skype is better, hehe~ :)
    Awh, I think he will understand either way, why he would get mad for a dream? o.o lol :hug: I know... >.< I once had a dream which I couldn't stop thinking about, because it was so weird and the dream had weird creepy vibes.
    This would be healthier. xD :hungry:

    Wow that's interesting. :) Do you enjoy working with the elderly? Do you think you'll continue volunteering at the same time? You're already such a busy girl. :)
    And eh.. my manager knows about it, but there's not a lot that can be done about the situation at this point.
    Cool!! Where is the interview for? :) :) congrats! :hug: :hug:
    Lol pink, I don't mind wearing it, but I can't say I have too many pink clothes.
    Actually I strongly considered transferring to a university in Alberta a couple of years ago. I may actually look into it again.
    aww~ :hug: :hug: :hug: you are too kind
    yes, BCIT! I'm amused that you know about it haha. there are a bunch of technical programs there. btw.. i just noticed but our visitor page backgrounds are both pink XD
    Thank you!!
    Regardless, I still have so long to go. Depression beginning from the last year of high school set me back a few years behind everyone else.
    Best of luck to you too : ) I don't doubt you'll find somewhere you like soon after graduating though!
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