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  • Hello!!!!!!! :) :) :)

    you're the first person to give me a visitor message after a long time... and after I came back and read posts here again :) :) :)

    bwahahhahaha my comments are weird... :)) :))

    Hello :) :) thank you for reassuring me.. I think I got back to normal mode (a bit) :) :) hope it all comes back
    God bless
    Oh gosh, all these songs are amazing! I'm an orchestral man myself but these piano arrangements are simply amazing...It makes me want to go get my old keyboard and start learning how to play again.
    Female boxer?


    *eyes widen*

    Fem-dom's are hot.:D

    Also, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I can't even bring myself to hurt insects, nevermind a fellow human.

    I'm envious.
    Hello :)
    I haven't seen your posts for a long time.. are you taking a break? or just busy? I hope you're not leaving.. :(

    :hug: :hug:
    ooo thats my runner up haha the uni of wellington. seems like a nice place :)
    Planning to major in Psych ;)
    wooot! cant wait haha which part are you from? I was thinking of going to the uni of otago haha
    cool! you're from NZ!!! I wanna migrate over there! I wanna study there 1st too haha just might be short of cash :/ but will do what I can to go there woo!
    Hello :)

    I'm sooorrry again!!!!! hehehe I wasn't online for a long time (sorta long time) :) because we had a lot of whole day rehearsals .. we had our recital last sunday.

    This summer.. I dance everyday but classes start on June 8 again :( so I will be able to dance ballet for only 3 times a week and stop jazz and resume it again maybe this Christmas :)

    But yeah it's okay :) How about you!?!? are you okay? and your boxing tournament trainings?!?! isn't that cool???? So you're on your way to get abs!!!!!!!!! bwahahhaahhaahaha I think it's scary.... BUT WAY COOL!!

    :hug: :hug:
    Hey! I just wanna say that I REALLY like your username! It puts me in a good mood everytime i see it! hehe
    Hey yo :)

    wow that was like a long time ago bwahahahahaha

    ohhh at least you're still doing it. What level are you in? Do you get like punch marks? :) :) hehehe

    I guess I'm kinda not enjoying dance.. I can take physical pain but emotional pain in dancing is like... I can't take it!!!!!!! Ballet requires a lot more and I don't know if I can still take it. Contemporary or modern dances... are fine but then I'm not the type of person who gets the steps right away and dances it well and stuff. I have to do everything step by step and memorize it first and practice it and I should also be able to feel the steps with the music and not just.. steps with counting before I could dance it. But then.. that's a complete!?!?!??! for a lot of dancers... they have to like get the steps right away.. but then I'm also shy if I dance it right away without feeling the dance. I jsut HAVE to feel comfortable when dancing and feel the music before exaggerating the steps. And I always get scolded by our teacher. And.. of course.. I get embarrassed easily and I get kinda offended... I feel like I don't want to dance the dance itself anymore.. I still love dance though.. but... I don't think it's for me. It's draining my emotional energy. Plus.. when I choreograph a dance myself, I can do it well but then if I dance other people's choreography, I HAVE to REAALLLY study it well and practice a lot and feel the music before I can do it well but in dance, I don't think we are given the time to reallly sink the music in us. WE HAVE TO dance it well right away.. (we're given the steps and we practice it and dance it)... but me... i just have this something that I HAVE TO FEEL it first.. others can practice it and dance it right away.. I CAN'T..... :( :(

    I feel so bad...... I feel like I'm ruining other people's choreography.... and the other dancers have to repeat the whole dance because of me.... :( :( :( :(

    I hope you're not hopeless like me :) Have fun doing martial arts!!!

    God bless :) :) :hug:
    That does sound fun... have you ever done anything like long rides on your bike? or joined in on any motorcycling groups? What kind of bike do you have? Maybe you and I can ride around sometime... or race :P
    I thought you'd get a laugh out of it. Not a very serious attempt really :P. But hey, I am sure I will get plenty of time to work on my art skills later. How are you doing today? So how was your weekend? Did you do anything interesting?
    It seems that I can't post it, but I put it in my photo album, go have a look.
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