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  • Huurah! Lets start an anti sex/gender club and abandon all hope/ gender roles!
    Full steam ahead for androgyny!
    I don't think I could. I'm so unlike most of the inhabitants I've met, I'm starting to wonder if anyone on this rock even slightly resembles me.

    I dunno, something similar to the alien movies?

    Sex isn't very appealing really.

    The ideas behind it are pleasant enough, the sybolism, but the actual act seems a bit...

    The world does not sit right with me, and I am left to wonder which of us is in the wrong place, myself, or the world?

    I have no idea, you had an ocean themed avatar once upon a time.

    Slimy isn't elegant, nor is sex, thus, I couldn't elegantly describe it.

    It's all just 'moosh'moosh-squirt-squirt', er... so I assume.
    Vastly troubled.

    What about you? Still making waves?

    Slimy parts?

    I couldn't think of a more elegant way of saying it!
    haha yeah... they do do both of those things. Getting bored easily is an extrovert thing, though, I think.

    Questioning your type? or were you just relieved to have some company in the "getting annoyed that my feelings don't follow from what I think I believe" club?
    hahaha noooo... everyone has conflicting thoughts and wants. Ever spent much time around ENFPs? They're 10x more conflicted than I am. I'd bet that INTPs pay closer attention to how they can tell that their wants are conflicted, though... which is probably why I had the little elaborate theory in the first place.
    I has answerz.
    That's mostly true. Actually, when I was younger (< 17 or so), I didn't pay attention to my feelings at all. I'm sure they were there... but I sure don't remember them. After that they were a nuisance for a while, and now I'm not really annoyed by them at all, and actually go out of my way to let them out, in some circumstances. So... it kind of changed. I don't think most intps (judging by intpforum) ever hit the point where they make an extra effort to accept them/let them out.

    The 'not logically following from how I think' annoyance is still there, though. It comes because I think your beliefs come from somewhere that lays beneath all of thoughts, feelings, and actions... but then influences all three. So if I were to feel like I wanted other girls, but my mind says I want this one, then my mind would be frustrated over my feelings because they're evidence that my 'self' doesn't completely believe what my mind wants it to.

    Hopefully that makes sense :p
    Horse fondler?
    Now THAT made me have inappropriate thoughts.
    Using your Ni to read my mind eh?
    *Don't think about porn, don't think about asian mil- OH SHIT*
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