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  • It deals a lot with issues like putting up facades or being yourself, adhering to commonly held beliefs and rules or not, and what fulfillment is compared to what we all think fulfillment ought to be.

    Overall, it's a look at a several different characters trying to discover who they are, and trying to be happy. Some abandon a traditional life, some adhere as hard as they can, some do something in-between. It, along with Fight Club, are at the absolute top of my list. An examination of the broader topics of life... Amazing movies, both of them.
    i can't articulate why OH AND THIS IS WHY I THOUGHT I WAS AN INFP/ENFP "ESTPs have some advantageous traits which are unique to their personality type. Their skills of observation make them extremely good at correctly analyzing and assessing other peoples' motives or perspectives. "

    Oh and this is very very very true, and I use it alot:

    They also have a special ability to react quickly and effectively to an immediate need, such as in an emergency or crisis situation." However, I am unable to do that when I am in my INFJ mode, which I was at Pancheros. (I was an INFJ the entire time at Pancheros)
    And I've always always always wanted to be a cop, I don't tell people that... But that's like my dream job. oh sorry for spamming your apge with one liners
    true, I was wrecking up havoc making snow angels on holland road this am :))) I went back there tonight and someone PURPOSEFULLY ran over one. (lol) and yea I thought I was an ESFP for a split second because the site said "they'd rather give then take" which is true for me, but I've been really pondering it. And estp just makes so muc hsense. It also makes sense when you're stressed out and you become an ESTP. it also makes high school make so much more sense to me
    btw i got called in to work 11pm to 7am tonight. thats why i wasnt webcamming cuz im napping
    also I'm really getting into Kanye West. Which is why my Ni is shot to hell. Also Nicki Minaj is the mk to top all mks.
    ME TOO! AGH! Indy is always like "your fi, kid." but no, I'M FE! It's complicated, I've not really explained it. I certainly will if you wanna chat. Also, if we can.. Hmm.. nvm i'll get back to you on that 2nd part. But yea, Dexter is a great show, I lvoe the psychology of it. He's a serial killer who only kills serial killers. But he's a really good guy and everything
    It just started snowing and that completely made my day ^^
    AHHH!! That's awesome for you! Drink some hot chocolate for me.
    Merry Christmas to you too Cutie! Have you been singing today? I'm back from dinner with the family and I think I'm gonna kick off my shoes and dance around the house a bit. I have tile floors and if I keep my socks on I can do the twist!!!!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVFJNcQ4X0"]YouTube - Chubby Checker - The Twist[/ame]

    Woo Hoo!!! :whoo:
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