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  • Thank you so much. . . You are amazing. I love your readings, and you chose one of my favorite poets, Tennyson. :) I'd be happy to read a favorite poem of yours, just let me know when. Your voice is beautiful. Thank you.

    Merry Christmas SoL. And I hope you have a fantastic New Year! :)
    Wow that was so sweet <3<3 thank you SOTL :):) I really appreciate it!!!

    May you have a wonderful Christmas :D

    AWESOME ANIMAL IS AWESOME. and when I meant life is blarg that was more meant along on the lines of spasm, rather than containing negative connotations.
    yar. and I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO HATE ME FOR THIS: but being an estp makes EVEN more sense than an ENFP. FIrst off, ESTPs are known to make the system fit them. WHICH IS WHAT I DO :) Also, I have always thought I come across as a T, not an F. I think I just may be a compassionate T. But they go Se, Ti, Fe, Ni. WHICH MAKES SENSE. Because estps notice many small details about things which they (and I quote) "put together into one picture as a feeling of ap erson, thus assuming it's intuition. When in reality it's simply well organized details no one noticed put together." also IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A COP. And they say they make great cops/atheletes/ SALESPEOPLE


    merry christmas.

    what did you get santa? I got him a coupon for liposuction.

    btw I almost got fired today. Tee hee. They were recording the logs of all the times I was going on the internet (I was aware of that) and instead just took away my internet access.
    No I just feel suffocated like I can express my thought, as long as its what everyone else thinks. I can't stand tapping around other peoples feelings when the truth lies out there.

    Btw I've been listening to Kanye lately. Shit is WEAKKKK!!!!!! Btw: Nikki Minaj slightly redeemed herself in her verse in Monster.
    Being selfless always makes me feel better about who I am as a person
    1. Buy me a big manor in Fidji near the beach
    2. Be my slave
    3. Buy me some smarties
    4. Save the world for me
    5. Save other planets too for me

    After those 5 easy steps, you can feel selfless :)
    :D You had a great list too, Missy! Any movie that makes me sit back in awe and stays with me for several days has my vote.
    Somewhat - but mostly I do audio for video games. That is the office across the hall from mine which is a smaller version of the same thing. I've been in there a few days doing some work.
    youre welcome...I realize that was a lot...Its hard, but hang in there. You are a beautiful girl, and own it!
    I jsut knew...even before I spewed apple sauce all over work that morning, i knew. I took a test. When we were trying I would take a test every month. so to be safe if you are activly trying to get pregnant, (or are not using completely safe sex) I would test every month on day 17 of your cycle. I keep track of my cycle by my birth control pills. Your cycle should be 28 days, but you will have crazy ones like me. so make it a habit to take a test on the 17th day of every 28 days. Now, I used the dollar store tests cuz they were the best on the market and the cheepest. if i got a positive I had a blood test done.

    NOW I am jumping ahead of myself.
    I was 98 lbs size 2 28" hips...i was skinny mini...that was my weight at high school graduation. After I had my baby, my body changed and I havnt been able to lose a lb since. I have intense muscle in my arms and legs and some killer glutes! I know I have a great figure, but its really hard to get over my body issues. I was annorexic in HS thats how my blood surgar issue became known. I still often find myself forgetting to eat, or not eating enough. I worry that I will always have this issue with my body. (it stems from a lot of abuse as a child i know that too)

    I havnt normalized either, metformin makes me so sick im supposed to take it twice a day and I can only take it once. Then I had to have a really horrific asthma attack that almost killed me so Im back to square one in my work outs. UGH seems like im always fighting an uphill battle.
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