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  • Oooh, maybe I will!

    I know, we're all so quiet, lol.

    I'm kind of scared too, to be honest.
    I think it would make me not feel like
    a woman anymore. Especially getting
    it early. I would then assume I was just
    going to die young.
    I understand what you mean, however, there is only one thing I want. This is the only way I know to achieve that.
    Not drying, lol.

    I think I was thinking of the
    snow drying up or something.

    Or maybe I'm super premenopausal.
    One can hope.

    I think pediatrics probably wouldn't be bad
    for job opportunities. People are always having

    I haven't flashchatted very much.
    Maybe I will sometime again soon.
    Usually when I'm in there it's with
    Basic and RWIR and there isn't
    much conversation.
    How is it going with your step-mom?

    Lol! I didn't even realize that
    I had chosen a ten digit number!
    That would be humourous.

    I thought maybe the reason I wasn't
    seeing as much posting from you was
    because of finals :x It's why I assume
    a lot of members haven't really been
    posting that much.
    We're a responsible bunch :P

    A regular MD?

    I've been drying a lot of
    infinite series.
    someone with touch as their top love language.... oddly unspecific, I thought..
    I have been stresssssssed.
    Spending a lot of time writing.
    I've started actively journaling,
    daily, and it really helps me to
    center and focus my thoughts. I've
    missed this.

    My dad isn't going to work all
    week. It's really frustrating. I'm
    not getting any me time ):

    Congrats on being finished!! (;

    What do you want to do with your life?
    I don't think I've ever asked you before.

    I also don't know if you've been posting
    less or if I just haven't been reading your
    posts because I don't see them when I am
    on and have like 6589347598 unread
    threads (which I'm catching up with :D )
    but I miss your posts too. I was talking about
    this with a different forum member yesterday, lol.
    It was. I turned about 689456shades of red.

    How are finals? Or are you done yet..?

    (I haven't been forum-ing much lately ): )
    life... na, mostly, the lack of people I have found that come even close to matching me in terms of relationships.
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